Tapahtumakalenteri: Designs for a Cooler Planet 2022
Tapahtuman kieli
Tarjolla on kymmeniä keskusteluja ja työpajoja niin kestävään arkkitehtuuriin, muotiin sekä estetiikkaan liittyen kuin myös näkökulmia miten startupit voivat olla mukana luomassa ratkaisuja kaupunkien kestävän kehityksen haasteisiin.
Tapahtumat ovat yhtä poikkeusta lukuunottamatta ilmaisia. Huomaathan että tapahtumia järjestetään useassa kohteessa Otaniemessä, Espoossa ja Helsingin keskustassa sekä verkossa. Tarkemmat tapahtumatiedot löytyvätkin alta. Vain suomenkielisten tapahtumien tiedot on käännetty.
Tule kuulemaan ja kokemaan mitä on Elämä 1.5 - tulevaisuus, jonka voimme luoda yhdessä!
Designs for a Cooler Planet 2022 -tapahtumalistaus
Ke 07.09.22 at 16:30–18:30
Interwoven - Exploring Materials and Structures by Maarit Salolainen
A live book launch event
Ke 07.09.22 at 18:00–20:00
PechaKucha Night x Aalto University
Tickets sold separately
Ke 07.09.22 at 17:00 - 18:00
Alusta pavilion: Making in the More Than Human World
Panel discussion & introduction to pavilion / in English
To 08.09.22 at 16:15-17.45
NODUS TALKS: 1.5-Degree Lifestyles
A live talk event
Pe 09.09.22 at 18:00 -21:00
The Trees of Pikku Finlandia
Exhibition opening
Ma 12.09.22 at 14:00 -16:00
Transgenerational Aesthetics: How to care for future generations?
Online seminar
Ti 13.09.22 at 13:00-15:00
Better balance in the fashion system
Webinar / Registration needed
Ke 14.9.22 at 17:00–19.00
Alusta pavilion: Architecture as a Tool for Environmental Discussion / Arkkitehtuuri ympäristökeskustelun välineenä
Paneelikeskustelu ja paviljongin esittely
Ke 14.9.22 at 16:00 – 19.00
Map Your Own Foodscapes
Live workshop
Ma 19.9.22 at 13:00 – 14.30
NONTOX – Improving circularity of plastics
Webinar / Registration needed
Ma 19.9.22 at 15.00-16.00
Fluff Stuff: Re-imagining common peatland management practices in Finland
Live talk / Registration needed
Ti 20.09.22 at 13:00–14.30
Startups solving the sustainability challenges of future cities with Urban Tech Helsinki
Webinar / Registration needed
Tue 27.09.22 at 15:00 - 16:00
Luonnontiedeluento–Bioinnovaatioita kestävään tulevaisuuteen
Verkkoluento / Muista rekisteröityä!
Thu 27.09.22 at 17:00-19:00
Re-valuing Wood: another look at wood and the forest
Live talk & exhibition visit / Registration needed
Ke 05.10.22 at 13:00 – 15:00
The future of vertical farming
Hybrid panel discussion / Registration needed
Pe 07.10.22 at 12:00 – 17:00
Interplanetary gender and technology workshop - a collective speculative exploration
Workshop & live action role-playing / Registration needed
Alusta paviljonki: Ihmisen ja muunlajisten eläinten suhteesta
La 27.08.22 | 15:00 - 17:00
Keskustelu & tutustuminen paviljonkiin
Suomeksi / vapaa pääsy
Arkkitehtuuri- ja designmuseon välisellä tapahtumapihalla sijaitsevassa Alusta-paviljongissa järjestetään elo-syyskuussa kulttuurin luontosuhdetta tarkastelevien keskustelujen sarja.
Missä: Museopiha, Arkkitehtuurimuseo, Kasarmikatu 24, Helsinki.
Dosenntti Elisa Aaltola Turun yliopistosta on keskittynyt eläin- ja ympäristökysymyksiin sekä moraalipsykologiaan. Hän puhuu ihmisen ja muunlajisten eläinten suhteesta.
Alusta paviljonki: Luontokato & kaupunkisuunnittelu
Ke 31.08.22 | 18:00 - 19:00
Keskustelu & tutustuminen paviljonkiin
Suomeksi / vapaa pääsy
Arkkitehtuuri- ja designmuseon välisellä tapahtumapihalla sijaitsevassa Alusta-paviljongissa järjestetään elo-syyskuussa kulttuurin luontosuhdetta tarkastelevien keskustelujen sarja.
Missä: Museopiha, Arkkitehtuurimuseo, Kasarmikatu 24, Helsinki.
Keskustelu luontokadosta ja kaupunkiympäristöjen suunnittelijoiden mahdollisuuksista vastata siihen. Puhujina maisemasuunnittelun ja ekologian apulaisprofessori Elisa Lähde Aalto-yliopistosta sekä kaupunkiekologian dosentti ja erikoistutkija Kati Vierikko Suomen ympäristökeskuksesta.
Alusta pavilion: Care, Architecture & Materiality
Pe 02.09.22 | 17:00 - 19:00
Panel discussion & introduction to pavilion
in English / free entry / no pre-registration needed
What would happen if we were to cease treating construction materials as something separate from us that is there for us to utilize and discard as we wish? How could we care more for our buildings and materials in them and how could they care for us in exchange? What kind of architecture binds us to our material world? Discussion on the role of materials in architecture & introduction to pavilion materials, clay and biochar.
Location: The Alusta pavilion and its pollinator friend meadow offers a place for encounters between humans and non-human animals in urban space. It is built on the courtyard of the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design museum in Kasarmikatu 24, Helsinki. Outdoor location.
Speakers are Matti Kuittinen, Architect, Adjunct Professor, Resource-efficient construction and environmental impacts, Aalto University and Elina Koivisto, Architect, University Teacher in Building Technology, Aalto University.
The event is in English and situated in Alusta Pavilion, located between the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum. The location is outdoors.
Alusta: Architecture & Empathy
La 03.09.22 | 15:00 - 16:00 EET
Panel discussion & introduction to pavilion
in English / free entry / no pre-registration needed
Minimizing the negative impacts of construction is not enough – how can architecture contribute to the wellbeing of the community, both human and nonhuman? How does design change when it is based on empathy?
Location: The Alusta pavilion and its pollinator friend meadow offers a place for encounters between humans and non-human animals in urban space. It is built on the courtyard of the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design museum in Kasarmikatu 24, Helsinki. Outdoor location.
Interwoven - Exploring Materials and Structures by Maarit Salolainen
Ke 07.09.22 | 16:30–18:30
Kaikille avoin kirjanjulkistilaisuus
Osoite: Väre, Piano lounge, 3krs, Otaniementie 14, Espoo.
This event is part of the opening of the Designs for a Cooler Planet festival.
Interwoven – Exploring Materials and Structures authored by adjunct professor Maarit Salolainen is a joyous exploration into woven textile design. It dissects woven structures along with the fibres and yarns used to make them, giving exceptional insight into the world of fabrics. The book introduces a new pedagogical method for woven textile design studies. The way this book interweaves technical knowledge, artistic expression and storytelling makes it a unique guide on the path to mastering textile design.
Everyone are welcome to the book launch!
16:30 Drinks and mingling
17:00 Speeches
17:30 Book signing
You can purchase Interwoven at the Book Launch with a 20% discount and get your copy signed by the author and contributors.
PechaKucha Night x Aalto University
Ke 07.09.22 | 18:00–20:00
Talks from 10 inspiring speakers from different fields.
In English.
The four-year collaboration with Helsinki Design week will continue with the PechaKucha event at Otaniemi.
The Designs for a Cooler Planet festival will open at Aalto University. Aalto scholars, designers and the local business community all invite HDW goers to Otaniemi, Espoo, to experience “Life 1.5”. About twenty projects combining research and design will be on show: textile made from water hyacinth, wood glitter, fabric filling made of cattail, and plenty of sustainable fashion and architecture.
As part of the opening of the Cooler Planet exhibitions, we’ll organise a public PechaKucha Night at Otaniemi with ten speakers. The exhibition venue is at the Väre building just hundred meters away from the PechaKucha location. Welcome to both places.
Organisers: Helsinki Design Week and Aalto University.
16:30-18:00 Visit the Designs for a Cooler Planet exhibitions
Address: Väre building, Otaniementie 14, Espoo.
Free entry.
18:00-20:00 The PechaKucha Night x Aalto University
Address: Kandidaattikeskus, Otakaari 1, B-sali, Espoo.
Tickets sold separately.
Speakers include: Assistant Professor, Sustainable Design, İdil Gaziulusoy, research fellow Sanna Lehtinen, postdoctoral researcher Markéta Dolejšová, Assistant Professor, design thinking and innovation Tua Björklund, and our students Milja Komulainen, Hares Basel and Baldur Haraldsson.
Alusta pavilion: Making in the More Than Human World
Ke 07.09.22 | 17:00 - 18:00
a panel discussion & an introduction to the pavilion
in English / free entry / no pre-registration needed
How does moving beyond the anthropocentric attitude change a designer’s perspective? Who is the author when natural processes, plants and non-human animals take part in shaping the outcome? What is the role of the material in the making?
Location: The Alusta pavilion and its pollinator friend meadow offers a place for encounters between humans and non-human animals in urban space. It is built on the courtyard of the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design museum in Kasarmikatu 24, Helsinki. Outdoor location.
Speakers are Maarit Mäkelä, Associate Professor, Practice Led Design Research, Aalto University, Maiju Suomi, Architect & Doctoral Researcher, Aalto University and Aarni Tujula, Bachelor of Arts, Aalto University.
The event is in English and situated in Alusta Pavilion, located between the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum. The location is outdoors.
NODUS TALKS: 1.5-Degree Lifestyles
To 08.09.22 | 16:15-17.45
a live talk event at the Design Museum Helsinki
In English | Free entry
What the 1.5-degree climate target from the Paris Agreement means from a lifestyles’ perspective and what is a new not-wasteful production model?
NODUS talks seminar series is organized by NODUS Design for Sustainability Research Group of Aalto University, bringing together researchers and practitioners on topics relevant to design, innovation and sustainability. Each session features a researcher and a practitioner on a topic relevant to design and sustainability who each give a short lecture. After the lectures a panel discussion is held.
Organised together with Design Museum Helsinki.
To the event page.
Visit also to the related exhibition: Designing Experiential Futures for 1.5 Degree Lifestyles 07.09-12.10.2022, at the Aalto University, Väre building, Otaniementie 14, Espoo. Free entry.
Speakers: Michael Lettenmeier and Reet Aus
MICHAEL LETTENMEIER is a post-doctoral researcher at the NODUS Sustainable Design Research Group, Department of Design, Aalto University and the CEO of D-mat ltd. Michael has developed the 1.5-Degree Lifetyles and the 8-Tonnes Material Footprint concepts for sustainable lifestyles. In this talk, Michael will show what the 1.5-degree climate target from the Paris Agreement means from a lifestyles’ perspective, how our everyday life can contribute to the target, and what this means from the perspective of different actors in society.
REET AUS is a PhD-qualified Estonian fashion designer and environmental activist who founded REET AUS COLLECTION® and THE UPSHIRT®. She is a pioneer in the field of industrial upcycling for fashion, and has developed the UPMADE® certification, in order to pass on her knowledge to brands and factories. Reet is going to talk about the radically not-wasteful new way of production model based on a scientific core methodology she developed called UPMADE®
The Trees of Pikku Finlandia
Pe 09.09.22 | 18:00 -21:00
Welcome to the exhibition opening at the Pikku Finlandia Café.
Address: Karamzininranta 4, 00100 Helsinki
The exhibition showcases over 15 sectional prints of the pine trees from Pikku Finlandia building. The artworks have been hand printed onto paper with ink to depict each tree’s sectional ‘finger-print’.
More information of the event.
The exhibition is open for public 1.–30.9.2022 within the opening hours of the cafeteria | Free entry
Host: Sanna Lehtinen, Research fellow, Aalto University
Antti Lehto, Professor, Department of Architecture at Aalto University
Joona Hulmi, PhD Student, Department of Architecture at Aalto University
Johanna Ylipulli, PhD, Docent, Academy of Finland Research Fellow, Department of Computer Science at Aalto University
Eeva Houtbeckers, D.Sc., Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Design & NODUS Research Group at Aalto University
Better balance in the fashion system
Ti 13.09.22 | 13:00-15:00
Webinar – through new business understanding and new design strategies.
in English / Free entry
> Read more about the Webinar and Register.
Lisäksi suosittelemme:
- Kuuntele suomenkielinen podcast 'tekstiilien kiertotaloudesta'.
- Tervetuloa kestävämmän muodin näyttelyyn: Better balance in the fashion system 07.09-12.10.2022, Aalto-yliopisto, Väre rakennus, Otaniementie 14, Espoo. Ilmainen sisäänpääsy.
How will we understand and implement circular economy in business and design?
Minna Halme, Aalto University: From simplistic to systemic sustainability solutions in textile and fashion
Susanna Horn, SYKE: Environmental benefits of the circularity strategies for a polyester T-shirt
Jetta Liukkonen, FabPatch/Vaatelaastari: Repair Revolution – pioneering new business in circular economy
Timo Huhtamäki, Emmy: Second-hand market as a part of the circular economy growth – how used goods will be traded in the next few years?
Alusta pavilion – Arkkitehtuuri ympäristökeskustelun välineenä / Architecture as a Tool for Environmental Discussion
Ke 14.09.22 | 17:00–19.00
Keskustelu & tutustuminen paviljonkiin
Suomeksi / vapaa pääsy
Arkkitehtuuri- ja designmuseon välisellä tapahtumapihalla sijaitsevassa Alusta-paviljongissa järjestetään elo-syyskuussa kulttuurin luontosuhdetta tarkastelevien keskustelujen sarja.
Missä: Museopiha, Arkkitehtuurimuseo, Kasarmikatu 24, Helsinki.
Pohdimme yhdessä Vapaa- ja You Tell Me -kollektiivien sekä Aalto-yliopiston arkkitehtuurin historian professori Panu Savolaisen kanssa, kuinka arkkitehtuuri voi edistää ympäristökeskustelua ja olla osaltaan rakentamassa uutta luontosuhdetta
Map Your Own Foodscapes
Ke 14.09.22 | 16:00 – 19.00
a live workshop at Otaniemi & visit to the exhibition
in English / Free entry.
To the event page.
The Urban Foodscapes exhibition is showcased 7.9-12.10.2022 at the Väre building, Otaniementie 14, Espoo.
Workshop facilitator:Kata Fodor, PhD researcher
NONTOX – Improving circularity of plastics
Ma 19.9.22 | 13:00 – 14.30
Webinar about plastic recycling in relation to the focus waste streams, and on disseminating eco-design considerations developed in the NONTOX project.
in English
Register to the event (avautuu elokuun lopussa).
Visit also the NONTOX exhibition 7.9-12.10.2022 at Väre building, Otaniementie 14, Espoo.
Fluff Stuff: Re-imagining common peatland management practices in Finland
Ma 19.9.22 | 15.00-16.00
a live talk at Otaniemi.
in English.
Explore the challenges and potential solutions to current peatland management practices in Finland through talks and a conversation with experts. Anyone interested is welcomed to join the audience.
Organised together with LUKE.
Location: Harald Herlin Learning Center, Room 126,Otaniementie 9, Espoo.
Seats: 30
Register and more info.
Visit also the exhibition to see the inspiring prototypes – Fluff Stuff: Textile fillings from rewetted peatlands 7.9-12.10.2022 at Väre building, Otaniementie 14, Espoo.
Four expert talks that explore how to harness Finland's potential through rewetting peatlands, the cultivation and harvesting of wetland crops, and one innovative proposal for climate-wise utilization of Finnish peatlands.
15:00 - 15:05
Opening words / Prof. Mark Hughes (Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems)
15:05 - 15:25
Opportunities for new products and climate change mitigation in the land-use sector by biomass production on rewetted croplands / Kristiina Lång (LUKE)
15:25 - 15:35
Seeds for sustainable transitions? Investigating properties of cattail seed hair as textile fillings / Lukas Schuck (MSc Creative Sustainability / Fluff Stuff Project)
15:35 - 15:45
The potential of robotics in paludiculture - Hermanni Viljanen (MSc Automation & Electrical Engineering)
15:45 - 16:00
Question & Answer
Startups solving the sustainability challenges of future cities with Urban Tech Helsinki
Ti 20.09.22 | 13:00–14.30
The webinar will share the innovative success story of Aalto University and the city of Helsinki striving together for a better future for sustainability, with the contribution of our startups.
in English
More info & Registration.
Hosting: Urban Tech Helsinki
- Kaisa Ahonen, Aalto University
- Laura Forsman, University of Helsinki
- Mira Jarkko, City of Helsinki
- Juho Kostiainen, City of Helsinki
- Peeter Lange, Forum Virium Helsinki
- Anna-Stina Tähkävuori, Metropolia UAS
End notes: the Deputy Mayor of the City of Helsinki, Ms. Anni Sinnemäki.
Luonnontiedeluento–Bioinnovaatioita kestävään tulevaisuuteen
Ti 27.09.22 | 15:00 - 16:00
Verkkoluento keskittyy kestäviin bio-pohjaisiin tekstiileihin ja pakkauksiin.
Tapahtuma on suomenkielinen ja erityisesti suunnattu ammatti- ja korkeakouluopiskelijoille mutta soveltuu kenelle tahansa aiheesta kiinnostuneelle.
Tapahtuman järjestävät yhdessä Aalto-yliopiston Bioinnovaatiokeskus ja Aalto Junior.
Ilmoittaudu luennolle tällä lomakkeella
Vieraile myös Bioinnovaatiokeskuksen näyttelyssä: Facilitating the future of sustainable textiles and packaging 7.9-12.10.2022, Väre rakennus, Otaniementie 14, Espoo.
Bioinnovaatiokeskus ja Aalto junior
Puhuja: Bioinnovaatioita kestävään tulevaisuuteen - kimaltavaa puuta / Noora Yau
Re-valuing Wood: another look at wood and the forest
To 27.09.22 | 17:00-19:00
a live talk & visit to the Revaluing wood exhibition
in English / Free entry
Address: Väre building, Otaniementie 14, Espoo.
To the event page & registration link is coming up.
In conversation with Saara Kantele (Architect and Designer) and Mark Hughes (Professor, Wood Technology):
In this event we will discuss how society values forests and take a look at how we should rethink our perception of what we regard as (wood) waste in our resource-constrained world.
Audience participation mandatory!
The future of vertical farming
Ke 05.10.22 | 13:00 – 15:00
Panel discussion about the potential of vertical farming.
in English
Location: Otaniemi & online
Lue lisää tapahtumasta & Rekisteröidy ohjelmaan.
Panu Miettinen (Aalto University) and Titta Kotilainen (Luke) are leading the panel discussion.
- Arttu Mäkinen, Doctoral researcher at University of Helsinki
- Henri Jaatinen, Cultivation expert at Novarbo Oy
- Kasperi Sjöholm, Executive Chef at Sodexo Foodhub focused on sustainability
Niko Kivioja, CEO, Netled Oy
Interplanetary gender and technology workshop
- a collective speculative exploration
Pe 07.10.22 | 12:00 – 17:00
Workshop & Live Action Role-Playing in English
Exploring the emancipatory possibilities of everyday technologies through a gendered lens.
Location: R001/U119 DELOITTE, Otakaari 1, Espoo
Louna Hakkarainen, DA, LicSocSci
Kaisa Karvinen, Architect, Master of Research
The workshop focuses on how gender and technology, and technology and society mutually shape and constitute each other. How can we take hold of these technologies to provoke a rupture? What kind of strategies do we need to thoroughly change the mechanisms and algorithms by which the normalized society is working?
Tapahtuma on osa Helsinki Design Weekin virallista ohjelmaa ja Maailman kiertotalousforumi 2022 (WCEF) sivutapahtuma. Aalto-yliopisto on yksi EU:n New European Bauhaus -yhteistyökumppaneista.
#ACoolerPlanet #HelsinkiDesignWeek #WCEF2022 #NewEuropeanBauhaus
Helsinki Design Week is the largest design festival in the Nordic countries. Aalto University is one of Helsinki Design Week’s companion events.
Aalto is one of the first partner's of the EU's New European Bauhaus initiative. The Bauhaus initiative connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces. It calls on all Europeans to imagine and build together a sustainable and inclusive future that is beautiful for our eyes, minds, and souls. We are also one of the Bauhaus partner events showcasing future concepts and prototypes for more sustainable future. Read more.
Designs for a Cooler Planet is one of the World Circular Economy Forum 2022 side events.
The World Circular Economy Forum is a landmark event of the year that brings together business leaders, policymakers and experts to present the world’s best circular economy solutions.
Tätä on elämä 1.5 – planeetalle ystävällisempiä materiaaleja, muotia ja ruokaa
Designs for a Cooler Planet on viiden viikon mittainen festivaali, joka on yhtä planeettaystävällisten materiaalien, muodin ja ruoan juhlaa.
Enni Äijälä
Specialist, partners and outreach
+358 50 359 4810
[email protected]
Tiina Toivola
Viestintäpäällikkö, radikaali luovuus
+358 50 326 0300
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