Helsinki Design Week on saapunut Otaniemeen – teemana resurssiviisaus
Mitä on viisasta suunnitella seuraaville sukupolville? Ainakin luksusvärejä pelloilta, puettavia aurinkokennoja ja paljon muuta - tervetuloa kurkistamaan tulevaan!
Emilija Veselova is a doctoral candidate in the NODUS Sustainable Design Research Group in the Department of Design, Aalto University. She has a strong theoretical and practical background in a collaborative and participatory design approach that she has applied in projects in the business, academic and the non-governmental sectors. Emilija talks about her ongoing doctoral research titled, "Designing with Nature for Sustainability".
In this project, she investigates how natural entities, such as individual organisms and ecosystems, can be included in collaborative and participatory design and decision-making processes. Her view is that every project has implications for natural being, systems and sustainability. Yet, she also sees how current formulations of design provide little support and training for a designer to consider in everyday projects. During the talk, Emilija provides a glimpse into the conceptual and methodological framework she is developing.
Elisa Vainio is working as a Project Manager at the Baltic Sea Action Group focusing on regenerative agriculture and international soil collaboration. She has received a PhD in Environmental Science from the University of Helsinki, where her research concerned greenhouse gases in forests and urban green areas.
In her presentation, she presents the Carbon Action platform. Carbon Action is a Finnish platform that develops and researches ways of accelerating soil carbon sequestration and verifying the results scientifically. It also works with farmers to spread regenerative farming practices for better yields, and climate change and biodiversity loss mitigation. There are 100 committed farms, several research projects and companies involved. Also, there are some 1000 famers in the Carbon Action club. Carbon Action is led by the Baltic Sea Action Group, and the Finnish Meteorological Institute coordinates the research.
The event is free but please register to get access to the online event.
Visit the event partner The Design Museum Helsinki's Design Club website.
Mitä on viisasta suunnitella seuraaville sukupolville? Ainakin luksusvärejä pelloilta, puettavia aurinkokennoja ja paljon muuta - tervetuloa kurkistamaan tulevaan!
Eroon pikamuodista! Voimme pukeutua paremmin, kun suunnittelemme uusiksi tekstiilien matkan valmistuksesta käyttöön ja kierrätykseen. Haluamme tehdä Suomesta vastuullisen tekstiiliteollisuuden ja muodin edelläkävijän.
Tavoitteena on kehittää biomateriaaleja, jotka eivät ole kertakäyttöisiä vaan uusiutuvia ja loputtomasti uudelleenkäytettäviä.
Designs for a Cooler Planet kuuluu Helsinki Design Weekin ja Tutkitun tiedon teemavuoden viralliseen ohjelmaan. Aalto-yliopisto on myös yksi EU:n Uuden eurooppalaisen Bauhausin kumppaneista.
#ACoolerPlanet #HelsinkiDesignWeek #NewEuropeanBauhaus #tttv21
NODUS Sustainable Design Research Group undertakes transdisciplinary design research for sustainable futures.
NODUS TALKS on Aalto yliopiston NODUS Sustainable Design Research Groupin organisoima keskustelusarja, joka tuo yhteen designin, innovaation ja kestävän kehityksen tutkijoita ja ammattilaisia.
Esitykset ja paneelikeskustelu
Dr. Seona Candy, Helsinki Institute of Urban and Regional Studies (Urbaria) Helsingin Yliopistosta
ja Carlos Henriques ravintola Nolla:sta