
Väitös kemian alalta, Ahmed Soliman

Väitös Aalto-yliopiston Kemian tekniikan korkekoulusta, Kemian ja materiaalitieteen laitokselta
Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone

Väitöskirjan otsikko: Tailoring the Electrocatalytic and Supercapacitor Performance Through Materials Design and Nano-engineering 

Tohtoriopiskelija: Ahmed Soliman
Vastaväittäjä: professori Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez, Director of Basque Center For Materials, Applications and Nanostructures, Espanja
Kustos: professori Mady Elbahri, Aalto-yliopisto, Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulu

Tailoring the Electrocatalytic and Supercapacitor Performance Through Materials Design and Nano-engineering

The Thesis describes the impact of several fundamental material designing criteria on the material electrochemical performance in a portfolio of electrochemical energy conversion and storage applications including; hydrogen/oxygen evolution reactions, Oxygen reduction reaction, and electrochemical double layer super capacitor active material. In this context, different preparation methods and classes of materials were utilized to achieve this goal such as porous organic polymers, metal-organic frameworks, organic-inorganic hybrid materials and inorganic oxides or tailorable size and shapes.

Linkki väitöskirjan sähköiseen esittelykappaleeseen (esillä 10 päivää ennen väitöstä)

Ahmed Soliman

Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun väitöskirjat

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