Väitös kemian tekniikan alalta, DI Ahmed
Tapahtuman kieli
Väitöskirjan nimi: Hybrid Architectures at the Nanoscale: Constructing Materials through Electrostatic Interactions
Tohtoriopiskelija: DI Ahmed
Vastaväittäjä: professori Tobias Beck, University of Hamburg, Saksa
Kustos: professori Mauri A. Kostiainen, Aalto-yliopiston kemian tekniikan korkeakoulu, biotuotteiden ja biotekniikan laitos
Biomolecular-based materials for future technologies
In this doctoral dissertation, the investigation into the marvels of biomolecular-based materials, including DNA origami and protein cages, unfolds to shape nano- and microscale functional materials. The research centers on electrostatic self-assembly,
providing meticulous control at the atomic level with applications spanning nanomedicine, optoelectronics, and water treatment. The dissertation introduces biohybrids for both DNA and protein-based materials, highlighting the successful
development of DNA biohybrid materials with enhanced optical properties, stability, and resistance to aggregation. Additionally, it presents protein crystalline assemblies with the targeted removal of harmful substances from water and the creation of
BioLEDs. These findings mark a substantial leap forward in the field, laying a robust foundation for pioneering solutions across diverse sectors.
This research contributes to the broader scientific landscape by establishing a clear connection between these intricate biomolecular-based materials and synthetic counterparts. Through the integration of electrostatic self-assembly principles, the
dissertation propels our understanding of nanomaterial design, opening avenues for innovative applications.
Linkki väitöskirjan sähköiseen esittelykappaleeseen (esillä 10 päivää ennen väitöstä)
DI Ahmed
[email protected]
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