
Väitös kemian tekniikan alalta, M.Sc. Alvaro González Vogel

Väitös Aalto-yliopiston Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulusta BIotuotteiden ja biotekniikan laitokselta
Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone

Väitöskirjan nimi: Electrodialysis for upgrading water streams in Kraft pulp mills

Tohtoriopiskelija: Alvaro González Vogel
Vastaväittäjä: professori Amit Bhatnagar, TUF University, Suomi
Kustos: professori Orlando Rojas, Aalto-yliopiston Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulu

Electrodialysis for upgrading water streams in Kraft pulp mills

Content of the doctoral thesis    Water scarcity and environmental concerns are critical challenges for water-intensive industries. This doctoral study introduces an innovative enhancement to electrodialysis (ED) technology, offering a sustainable solution for wastewater treatment in Kraft pulp industries. The research addresses the problem of effectively treating large volumes of wastewater while minimizing environmental impact and operational costs.

By integrating 3D printing to improve ED system design and employing advanced power electronics, the study introduces high-frequency electrical pulses that prevent fouling and enhance efficiency and robustness of electromembrane-based technologies for wastewater processing and recovery. Laboratory and pilot-scale industrial trials demonstrated that this improved system reduces fouling over time, increases productivity, and recovers valuable chemicals for reuse. This advancement represents a significant step toward sustainable water use in the pulp industry, highlighting the potential of innovative technology to drive environmental stewardship.

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Alvaro González Vogel
[email protected]

Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun väitöskirjat

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