
Väitös maankäytön suunnitelun ja liikennetekniikan alalta, MScEng Pascale Blyth

Driverless cars may make smart cities more unjust
Kuvituskuva väitöstapahtumaan, Aalto-kynä ja tutkimuspaperi

Driverless cars represent an emerging mobility technology the potential societal impact of which little is known. Questions of power, justice and civic rights engendered by the technology are sorely neglected. 

Drawing from Foucauldian concepts of power, the research articulates the urban planning keystone that technology affects people in the plural, at the multiple level, rather than the individual at the personal level. The research revealed power as the relation between domination by the technological infrastructure on the one hand and losses by society (a form of injustice) on the other, constituting a novel approach to transition- and mobility justice landscapes. 

As a result, this research offers new phronetic perspectives for urban planners and policy-makers on sociotechnical transitions in the emerging field of data-driven urbanism, including smart mobility and platform urbanism. 

Vastaväittäjänä toimii tohtori Caroline Mullen, Leedsin yliopistosta, Iso-Britanniasta.

Valvojana toimii professori Raine Mäntysalo, rakennetun ympäristön laitokselta, Aalto-yliopistosta. 

Sähköinen väitöskirja: http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-60-3947-3

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