
Väitös organisaatiot ja johtamisen aineesta, Marleen Wierenga, M.Sc

Väitöskirjan nimi on: "Innovative entrepreneurial processes in the low-income context".

The doctoral dissertation of Marleen Wierenga, M.Sc, "Innovative entrepreneurial processes in the low-income context" will be publicly examined at the Aalto University School of Business on Friday, May 29th, 2020 at 12.00.

The public defense will be organized via remote technology. Please join the Zoom meeting here: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/68716566710. The wish is for the audience to keep the camera and microphone off during the public examination.

Opponent: Professor Sarah Jack (Stockholm School of Economics)
Custos (Chairperson): Professor Minna Halme (Aalto University School of Business)

Further information:
Marleen Wierenga

[email protected]


The doctoral dissertation will be online at aaltodoc.aalto.fi by the defense.

Lue myös: Innovatiivinen yrittäjyys voi olla toimiva ratkaisu köyhyyden vähentämiseen

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