
What’s cooking? CHEMARTSin biopohjaiset materiaalikokeilut

Bioliimasta ruokopaneeleihin ja selluloosavaahtoon – muotoilijoiden ja biomateriaalitutkijoiden yhteistyönä syntynyt ainutlaatuinen teos näyttää, mihin kaikkeen luonnonmateriaalit taipuvat. Osaa resepteistä voi testata kotona, osa sopii paremmin koulujen ja yliopistojen laboratorioihin.
Bioslime by Chiao-wen Hsu & Yu Chen. Photo: Eeva Suorlahti
Bioslime by Chiao-wen Hsu & Yu Chen. Photo: Eeva Suorlahti

The newest bio-based material experiments from CHEMARTS courses and presenting The CHEMARTS Cookbook 

In coming years, our material world will change dramatically. To facilitate the change, we need to know the origin of materials, how they are processed and used, and how they can be kept in closed-loop systems as long as possible.  

Bio-based materials are often considered the best alternatives to currently dominant fossil-based ones. As part of that movement, Aalto’s CHEMARTS collaboration aims to inspire people to learn about materials in general and to explore how the innovative use of wood and plant-based materials in particular might help us to transform our material world. 

The CHEMARTS exhibition will showcase a curated selection of student projects from Design Meets Biomaterials and Summer School 2020 courses. The audience is welcome to discuss these experimental projects with students and experts during weekly sessions (to be scheduled) and to get inspiration for do-it-yourself material experiments. Five recipes from The CHEMARTS Cookbook will be shared also in Finnish. 

The team:  

  • Pirjo Kääriäinen, Nina Riutta, Iines Jakovlev and Talisa Dwiyani, The School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto University  

  • Tapani Vuorinen and Iina Solala, The School of Chemical Engineering, Aalto University 

  • CHEMARTS students  

Contact person: Pirjo Kääriäinen [email protected] +358 50 381 0217 

CHEMARTS is the long-term collaboration project of the School of Chemical Engineering (CHEM) and the School of Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS). These schools combined forces in 2011 with the aim of researching bio-based materials in innovative ways and creating new concepts for their advanced use. The core values of CHEMARTS are the sustainable use of natural resources, experimental working methods, and the respectful cross-pollination of design and material research.  

CHEMARTS arranges multidisciplinary study courses and a Summer School for degree students, thesis projects, and workshops for elementary and high school students. It also participates in externally funded research projects. 


CHEMARTS Cookbook for material enthusiasts. Photo: Eeva Suorlahti


Inspiraatiota materiaaleista innostuneille.

CHEMARTS Summer school 2019

CHEMARTS kesäkoulu: Chemartsing with Bio-based Materials

Kesäkoulun teemana 2019 oli ”Arvoa kasvijäämistä”.  


Materiaalit kiertoon

Tuotteiden valmistusprosessit saastuttavat ja pilaavat ympäristöä ja kuluttavat luonnonvaroja.

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