Tietotekniikan laitos


Tietotekniikan laitoksen tutkimus tarjoaa monipuolisen valikoiman tutkimusaiheita. Kaikki 14 tutkimusaluettamme ovat poikkitieteellisiä ja teemme yhteistyötä niin tutkimusalueiden sisällä kuin merkittävien sidosryhmiemme kanssa myös Aalto-yliopiston ulkopuolella.

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Algorithms and Theoretical Computer Science


Chris Brzuska, Parinya Chalermsook, Tommi Junttila, Petteri Kaski, Barbara Keller, Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak, Russell W.F.Lai, Pekka Orponen, Alexandru Paler, Jussi Rintanen, Jukka Suomela, Jara Uitto.

Theoretical Computer Science

Our faculty works on various areas of theoretical computer science and its applications to algorithms engineering and other sciences such as DNA computation.

Blackboard filled with figures and equations

Distributed Algorithms (ulkoinen linkki)

Our current research focuses on the foundations of distributed computing, the key research question is related to the concept of locality in the context large computer networks.

Distributed Algorithms Research group

Natural Computation (ulkoinen linkki)

The group seeks to understand, model, and program naturally occurring or nature-inspired self-organising processes.

Natural Computation Research group

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


Stephane Deny, Vikas Garg, Eero Hyvönen, Wilhelmiina Hämäläinen, Alex Jung, Juho Kannala, Petteri Kaski, Samuel Kaski, Jorma Laaksonen, Jaakko Lehtinen, Janne Lindqvist, Riku Linna, Harri Lähdesmäki, Pekka Marttinen, Jussi Rintanen, Juho Rousu, Arno Solin, Jukka Suomela, Linh Truong, Aki Vehtari, Bo Zhao.


Artificial Intelligence and Software Systems (AISS)

Computing technologies for designing, building and managing intelligent systems.

Computer components, photo: Matti Ahlgren/Aalto Univesity

Machine Learning for Big Data

Machine learning models and methods for big data over networks

Department of Computer Science research, infrared lights hanging on the roof for machine learning in plant growing project

Probabilistic Machine Learning Group (ulkoinen linkki)

We develop new methods for probabilistic modeling, Bayesian inference and machine learning. Our current focuses are in particular learning from multiple data sources, Bayesian model assessment and selection, approximate inference and information visualization.

PML research group, Aalto University Computer Science

Semantic Computing (SeCo) (ulkoinen linkki)

Research on semantic technologies, such as the Semantic Web and intelligent web services.

Map screenshot from mappingmanuscriptmigrations.org web service by Semantic Computing Research group at Aalto University

Complex Systems


Petter Holme, Kimmo Kaski, Barbara Keller, Mikko Kivelä, Maarit Korpi-Lagg, Riku Linna, Jari Saramäki.


Complex Systems

Complex systems are found at all scales in nature, from the complex machinery operating inside our cells to the human brain, from human sociality to the networked social organization.

Complex Systems, Aalto University

Digital Health and Wellbeing

Our mission to leverage data-driven methods for meaningful healthcare advancements and a deeper understanding of the social fabric that influences our wellbeing.


Computational Life Sciences


Stephane Deny, Wilhelmiina Hämäläinen, Samuel Kaski, Barbara Keller, Harri Lähdesmäki, Pekka Marttinen, Pekka Orponen, Juho Rousu, Jari Saramäki, Aki Vehtari.


Computational Systems Biology (ulkoinen linkki)

Our research group focuses on developing methods for high-throughput bioinformatics, computational biomedicine, synthetic biology and probabilistic modeling.

Computational Systems Biology Research group

Kernel Methods, Pattern Analysis and Computational Metabolomics (KEPACO) (ulkoinen linkki)

The KEPACO group develops machine learning methods, models and tools for data science. Applications of interest include metabolomics, biomedicine, pharmacology and synthetic biology.

KEPACO group 2021

Computing education research and educational technology


Lassi Haaranen, Arto Hellas, Wilhelmiina Hämäläinen, Lauri Malmi, Kerttu Pollari-Malmi, Nitin Sawhney, Otto Seppälä, Juha Sorva.


LeTech - Learning + Technology (ulkoinen linkki)

The Learning + Technology Group focuses on computing education, educational technology and software visualization. We adopt a research perspective on learning and teaching that allows us to improve education through better educational technologies and teaching methods

CS Building Aalto University

Computing Systems


Mario Di Francesco, Vesa Hirvisalo, Linh Truong, Petri Vuorimaa, Antti Ylä-Jääski, Bo Zhao.


Distributed and Mobile Computing

Experiment-driven systems research analyzing, building, and optimizing distributed mobile computing systems and services.

HIgh quality interactive video streaming over 5G, Distributed and Mobile Computing research group at Department of Computer Science Aalto University

Digital Ethics, Society and Policy


Marjo Kauppinen, Juhi Kulshrestha, Casper Lassenius, Marko Nieminen, Risto Sarvas, Nitin Sawhney, Marko Turpeinen, Johanna Viitanen, Johanna Ylipulli.


Engineering Psychology


Talayeh Aledavood, Mikko Kivelä, Sari Kujala, Janne Lindqvist, Robin Welsch.


Engineering Psychology

Understanding humans and technology

Artistic illustration for engineering psychology bachelors programme in Aalto University. Human face, laptop, game controller and phone. Illustration by Matti Ahlgren

Human-Computer Interaction and Design


Fabian Fagerholm, Perttu Hämäläinen, Sari Kujala, Juhi Kulshtestha, Jorma Laaksonen, Janne Lindqvist, Lauri Malmi, Marko Nieminen, Mika P.Nieminen, Nitin Sawhney, Johanna Viitanen, Robin Welsch, Johanna Ylipulli

Laitoksen ulkopuoliset henkilöt

Andres Lucero, Antti Oulasvirta, Esko Penttinen, Virpi Roto, Giulio Jacucci.


Käytettävät ja saavutettavat sähköiset terveyspalvelut kaikille

Tutkimusryhmämme keskittyy sähköisten sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden käytettävyyteen ja saavutettavuuteen

Human computer interaction llustration Matti Ahlgren Aalto University

Large-scale Computing and Data Analysis



The group develops and utilises high-performance computing tools for simulating and analysing data from complex (astro)physical systems, such as turbulent fluids, the Sun, interstellar matter in galaxies.

Model of the Sun from PRACE project INTERDYNS

Quantum Software and Algorithms

Quantum computing deploys the phenomena of quantum mechanics to solve complex problems that even the most powerful supercomputers cannot execute. This interdisciplinary research area is focused to achieve large-scale quantum computing from the software perspective. The main goal is to support the execution of quantum algorithms with a practical advantage.


Vikas Garg, Petteri Kaski, Alexandru Paler


InstituteQ - The Finnish Quantum Institute (ulkoinen linkki)

InstituteQ koordinoi kvanttitutkimusta, -koulutusta sekä -liiketoimintaa Suomessa

White InstituteQ logo on dark background

Security and Privacy


Tuomas Aura, Chris Brzuska, Lachlan Gunn, Russell W.F.Lai, Janne Lindqvist, Sanna Suoranta


Cryptography Group (ulkoinen linkki)


Drawing including cartoon animals on the playfield

Secure Systems Research Group (ulkoinen linkki)

The goal of the Secure Systems research group is to create new technologies and design and analysis methods for the development of secure computing and communication systems.

CS Building Aalto University

Software and Service Engineering


Fabian Fagerholm, Marjo Kauppinen, Sari Kujala, Casper Lassenius, Marko Nieminen, Mika P.Nieminen, Jari-Pekka Vanhanen, Johanna Viitanen


PREAGO Research Group

The Product Requirements and Architecture Research Group (Preago) is specialized in high quality research of topics related to requirements engineering, software architectures and variability.

Käytettävät ja saavutettavat sähköiset terveyspalvelut kaikille

Tutkimusryhmämme keskittyy sähköisten sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden käytettävyyteen ja saavutettavuuteen

Human computer interaction llustration Matti Ahlgren Aalto University

Visual Computing


Perttu Hämäläinen, Juho Kannala, Jorma Laaksonen, Jaakko Lehtinen, Janne Lindqvist, Lauri Savioja, Arno Solin


Game Research (ulkoinen linkki)

Games are a multidisciplinary field, and our research interests include physics simulation, procedural animation, control optimization, AI, full-body human-computer interaction, virtual and augmented realities, games and learning.

Game Research, Aalto University
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