Aalto-yliopiston kesäkoulu

Kurssit ja ohjelmat

Courses and programmes at Aalto Summer School

Curriculum for 2020

On this page you can browse through the Aalto University Summer School curriculum for summer 2020. These courses were held mostly online due to the COVID-19 outbreak. We are eagerly looking forward to announcing our new summer courses and programs for 2021!


Health and Wellbeing Architecture Summer Intensive 2020 (Online)

The Health and Wellbeing Architecture Summer Intensive offers graduate students, doctoral students, practicing architects, healthcare planners, healthcare practitioners and international guests an opportunity to come together and deepen their competencies in the field of design for health and wellbeing.



Information Technology Program (ITP) Summer Minor 2021

Complete 24 ECTS over the summer, solve real-life digital business challenges, and gain a unique skillset in information technologies, digital platforms or service design. Aalto ITP is an international and multi-disciplinary summer program taught at the School of Business.

Students walking through the School of Business lobby



5G Hack the Mall

Learn the basics about 5G and its use cases such as basic principles in 5G including the current state of 5G markets, mobile communications system, networks and Radio Access, 5G and AI, Cyber Security as well as the main verticals: IoT, XR and Autonomous cars and short overview to 6G.

Aalto Univeristy / 5G Hack The Mall course demo / photo: Linda Koskinen

Aalto University Summer School on Transportation - EIT Urban Mobility Edition

We offer an intensive learning period for professionals and graduate students in the field of transportation and urban planning, including online lectures and innovation workshops.


A! Water Treatment Summer Course

A! Water treatment summer course focuses on advanced drinking water treatment technologies.

Water Laboratory



Aalto Ventures Program entrepreneurship summer course (Online)

Learn to create immersive experiences in a multidisciplinary team of international students, working online but together towards a sustainable future.

Four students workshopping


Language Centre

Writing Doctoral Research for Technology (3 ECTS)

During the course, students work to improve their writing as they apply skills and techniques introduced in the course.


Writing in Art, Design & Architecture (3 ECTS)

Develop your skills in producing texts related to art, design and architecture

laptop notebook and pencil

Talking Art, Design & Architecture (3 ECTS)

Develop your skills in spoken interaction that is related to the context of art, design and architecture.

Aalto University students_photo by Aino Huovio

Finnish 1 (3 ECTS)

Learn the basics of Finnish

Students at Finnish class

Get to Know Finland (1 ECTS)

Learn the main characteristics of the Finnish way of life and culture, and are able to talk about them as well as have basic knowledge about Finnish nature, history and society.


Courses in Finnish


Kesäbuusti on Aalto Ventures Programin suomenkielinen kesäkurssi, joka koostuu kymmenestä online-tapaamisesta ja jonka voi suorittaa kolmen tai viiden opintopisteen laajuisena.

Student at laptop. Photo by Aalto University / Aino Huovio



Suurin osa kursseista on maksullisia Aalto-yliopiston ulkopuolisille opiskelijoille. Aalto-yliopiston opiskelijoita pyydetään käyttämään WebOodia ilmoittautumista varten, ellei kurssilla ole omaa ilmoittautumislomaketta. Viimeisimmät tiedot kurssista ovat saatavilla kurssien omilta sivuilta. Kurssikohtaiset yhteystiedot ovat saatavilla kurssien omilta sivuilta. Kaikissa Aalto-yliopiston kesäkoulua koskevissa asioissa voi olla yhteydessä [email protected]

Kurssien ilmoittautumiset saattavat sulkeutua ennen ilmoittautumisajan päättymistä, mikäli kurssi on jo täynnä.

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