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Organisaatioviestinnän oppiaine on diskurssintutkimukseen ja organisaatioviestintään erikoistunut opetuksen ja tutkimuksen yksikkö.

Doctoral Studies in Organizational Communication

The Organizational Communication unit offers comprehensive research training in qualitative research in organizational communication as one of the twelve majors of of the Aalto Doctoral Program in Business, Economics and Finance. The multidisciplinary research profile of the unit gives doctoral researchers the academic freedom to pursue interesting projects that defy disciplinary boundaries, within the broad field of organizational communication and management studies.

Department of Management Studies
Public art at Aalto

People in Organizational Communication

Meet the faculty and doctoral students of Organizational Communication.

Department of Management Studies

Recent publications

Doing inclusion as counter-conduct: Navigating the paradoxes of organizing for refugee and migrant inclusion

Laura Kangas-Muller, Kirsi Eräranta, Johanna Moisander 2024 Human Relations

Corporate Social Responsibility and Applied Ethics

Jukka Veikko Mäkinen, José-Carlos García-Rosell, Johanna Moisander 2024 Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics in the Social Science

What to do about "The Human" in Organization Studies? : Thinkingsayingdoing with the Anthropocene, pandemics, and thereafters

Marta B. Calás, Linda Smircich, Michela Cozza, Silvia Gherardi, Saija Katila, Ari Kuismin, Pauliina Jääskeläinen, Pikka-Maaria Laine, Susan Meriläinen, Joonas Vola, Janet Sayers, Alice Wickström, Anu Valtonen, Tarja Salmela, Alison Pullen 2023 A Research Agenda for Organization Studies, Feminisms and New Materialisms

Handbook on Gender and Public Sector Employment

Hazel Conley, Paula Koskinen Sandberg 2023

Introduction to the Handbook on Gender and Public Sector Employment

Hazel Conley, Paula Koskinen Sandberg 2023 Handbook on Gender and Public Sector Employment

Regulating women's pay in Finland and the UK - the role of the public sector

Hazel Conley, Paula Koskinen Sandberg 2023 Handbook on Gender and Public Sector Employment

Conceptual framework for understanding the ethical dimension of corporate social responsibility

José-Carlos García-Rosell, Johanna Moisander, Jukka Mäkinen 2023 New directions in art, fashion, and wine

A social practice perspective on fashion branding

Marcus Gianneschi, Johanna Moisander 2023 Marketing Fashion
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