Department of Management Studies

Doctoral Studies in Organizational Communication

The Aalto BIZ Organizational Communication unit offers comprehensive research training in organizational communication as one of the twelve majors of of the Aalto Doctoral Program in Business, Economics and Finance. The multidisciplinary research profile of the unit gives doctoral researchers the academic freedom to pursue interesting projects that defy disciplinary boundaries within the broad field of organizational communication and management studies.

Research training

The Aalto BIZ Organizational Communication unit offers a four-year program of doctoral research training in organizational communication that equips doctoral researchers with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to conduct impactful research and succeed in the world of academia. The program is specifically designed for dedicated full-time students.

We continuosly develop our curriculum to ensure that our graduates have a a strong foundation in the theories, frameworks, and concepts that underpin organizational communication research and a solid understanding of the principes and practices of qualitative research.

We  encourage our students to draw insights from multiple fields of scholarship, not only from management and organization studies but also from sociology, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, arts, and gender studies, for example.

We are also committed to helping our students develop their skills in academic writing and public speech, so that they can publish their work in reputable journals and effectively disseminate their research results to both academic and practitioner audiences.

Doctoral degree requirements and curriculum 

Doctoral supervision

Each doctoral student is assigned a Dissertation Advisory Committee consisting of three dedicated scholars who are deeply committed to guiding and mentoring their students throughout their doctoral journey, from admission to graduation and even into the early stages of their postdoctoral professional development.

All of our supervising professors and advisors are internationally recognized scholars who have published their research in some of the leading journals in our multidisciplinary field, such as Human Relations, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Work, Employment and Society, Organization and Gender, Work & Organization.

They also serve in the editorial boards of many leading journals, scuh as Human RelationsJournal of Business Ethics, and Work, Employment and Society. 

Research expertise in the unit of Organizational Communication lies in areas that include:

  • Business-society relations and corporate social responsibility

  • Gender and feminist studies, diversity and inclusion

  • Strategy and discursive leadership

  • Qualitative methods, especially discursive approaches and (n)ethnography


During the first and second year of studies, full-time doctoral students who make satisfactory progress in their studies and research are guaranteed an annual gross income of about 29.000€, based on a combination of 50% employment contract and 50% personal grants. The employment contract provides students with occupational health care, paid annual leave, as well as a pension contribution, a computer, and a communal working space with large screens and adjustable tables. 

There is also funding for doctoral researchers to participate in international conferences (e.g., EGOS, Academy of Management, ICA), seminars, and workshops.

Doctoral supervising professors

Check out the research profiles of our faculty to see whose research interests match yours:

Kirsi Eräranta

Paula Koskinen Sandberg

Johanna Moisander

Pekka Pälli

We also recruit scholars external to Aalto as thesis advisors and members of the dissertation advisory commitee.

How to Apply

If you are interested in pursuing a doctoral degree in organizational communication, please contact the Head of Doctoral Studies Assistant Professor Paula Koskinen Sandberg or one of the faculty members listed as thesis advisors above.

Please note that we are currently only accepting applications from individuals who are interested in full-time doctoral researcher positions.

We normally recruit new doctoral researchers once a year, starting in December. Detailed information about the application process for our doctoral program and online applications may be found at the admissions page of the Doctoral program in Business, Economics, and Finance.

Four students studying together. Three of them have their computer and one is having papers in front of them.

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Business, Economics and Finance

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Business, Economics and Finance is a four-year, English-language doctoral programme with three specialization areas: Business, Economics and Finance.

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Doctoral education

Everything there is to know about doctoral education for doctoral students, supervising professors and thesis advisors.

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