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Taloustieteen maisteriohjelma


Here you can find guidelines for timing and planning your studies in Master’s programme in Economics.

Degree requirements can be found on page Curriculum 2024-2026. You can find course descriptions and schedules in Sisu (sisu.aalto.fi).

Using the Timeline function and timing templates on Sisu 

You can time your studies using the Timeline tab on Sisu. Depending on your programme and the year you started your studies, there are also timing templates that you can use to help time your studies. In the Master's programme in Economics, there is a timing template on Sisu for students who started their studies in 1.8.2022 or after. 

Tämän englanninkielisen ohjelman mallilukujärjestystiedot löydät vaihtamalla kielen englanniksi sivun ylälaidasta.

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