
Aalto Strategy Circle After Work: Mahdollistava vs. kontrolloiva johtajuus liiketoiminnassa ja armeijassa

Tervetuloa Aalto Alumni Strategy Circle -tilaisuuteen. Aalto Alumni Strategy Circle tuo strategia-alan ammattilaiset ja yritysjohtajat yhteen oppimaan ja vaihtamaan ajatuksia strategian ajankohtaisista aiheista vuorovaikutteisissa tapahtumissa, joihin osallistuu kansainvälisiä tutkijoita ja paikallisia ammattilaisia.
Alumni Strategy Circle 21.11.2024

Tapahtuma on englannin kielellä > Lisätietoja

Join us if you are interested in practices and insights about how and when to empower people in different types of organizations, reflecting on and comparing practices in business and practices in the military. A lot has been discussed about empowering people in business, but it is less well known that the military also often systematically empowers people at lower ranks. Maybe there are lessons to be learned from military leadership practices for business?

Again we have a stellar panel, with experts who have experience from both business and the military: Frank Martela, professor of Organization Design at Aalto University, Tiina Laisi-Puheloinen, CEO of FiBAN and active reserve officer in the Finnish Defence Forces, and Anne Lamminen, Head Instructor, Leadership in the Department of Leadership and Military Pedagogy of the Finnish National Defence University.

Agenda 21 March

17.00 Welcome and introduction

17.05 Presentations

17.45  Discussion and Q&A

18.30 Networking

The event closes at 19.00

Moderator Professor Jens Schmidt, Aalto University, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

Who should attend?

The event is open for all Aalto alumni who are interested in the topic of strategy. The Aalto Alumni Strategy Circle is an opportunity to meet and discuss with like-minded colleagues, share experiences with them, and hear from the leading experts and practitioners about best practices.

This a regular event with several sessions throughout the year.

Photos are taken in the event for the events' marketing purposes. Please mention to the photographer if you don't want to be seen in the photos.

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Aalto Strategy Circle

Aalto Strategy Circle brings together strategy professionals and business leaders to learn and exchange ideas about the most relevant current topics in strategy through interactive sessions involving international academics and local professionals. It is hosted by the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management in cooperation with the Aalto Strategy Alumni.

Participants discussing the topic of the event.

Aalto Alumni Strategy Circle

Aalto Alumni Strategy Circle kokoaa strategian ammattilaiset ja liike-elämän johtajat oppimaan ja jakamaan ideoita.

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