Carbon Lane – biohiilen testaus kaupunkiympäristössä
Projekti tehdään yhteistyössä Helsingin kaupungin, Helsingin yliopiston ja Jyväskylän yliopiston kanssa.
Carbon Lane (CarLa) suggest new ways of living with carbon and sequestering carbon in urban environments.
Biochar can significantly increase the capacities of cities to strive for carbon neutrality, and thus it has increasing traction as a material for sequestering carbon. It can also help with stormwater management and prevents run-off.
Biochar is already a commercial product. However, use in cities is on an experimental scale.
Users such as green infrastructure managers hesitate due to lack of knowledge about and familiarity with the material. An urban, scientifically designed test site popularises soil science and engages citizens in questions of carbon sequestration.
The solution targets both the market actors including supply side and cities as well as citizens and local residents.
The team:
Mikko Jalas, professor, School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Priit Tammeorg, senior lecturer, Agro-ecology, University of Helsinki
Esko Salo, Management studies, University of Jyväskylä
Partners and commitments:
The designed space is being constructed in 2020 at Jätkäsaari Helsinki
Several companies and the City of Helsinki have been involved in the CarLa project and will be invited to join this proposal
Carbon Lane -hanke
Carbon Lane (CarLa) oli vuoden 2019 aikana toteutettava EU-hanke, jossa tunnistettiin käytännön ratkaisuja hiilensidontaan kaupunkien viheralueilla.
Ympäristöt eläviksi
Aggressiivinen kaupungistuminen rasittaa ekosysteemiamme. Kasvava rakentaminen johtaa valtavaan energiaintensiivisten rakennusmateriaalien kysyntään, ja rakentamisen osuus muodostaa jo 39 prosenttia maailman hiilidioksidipäästöistä.
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