New tools for healthcare professionals to manage mobile and multi-locational workers
Digitally supported informing, advising and guiding practices for occupational health care to serve mobile and multi-locational workers and their organizations – DigiTANO (2016-2018)
Occupational health cares have the need to modify and develop some of their informing, advising and guiding practices (prescribed in the Finnish Occupational Health Care Act) to reach and serve mobile multi-locational workers in distributed organizations and project groups. The goal of provision of information, advice and guidance is to improve and support employees’ knowledge and skills in matters concerning the healthiness and safety of the work. These issues affect not only individual employees’ behavior but also the overall well-being at work in their customer companies and organizations. The project focuses on studying new practices by using on-line coaching tool for healthcare professionals. The themes under study cover how to manage mobile and multi-locational work specific workload factors individually as well as collectively in distributed teams and organizations.
The project kicks off in September 2016 and will be conducted in collaboration with the Virtual and Mobile Work Research Unit at Aalto University, Turku University of Applied Sciences and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. The research project is funded by the Finnish Work Environment Fund and partner organizations.
Contact information:
Doctoral student Johanna Koroma /tel. +358 50 435 8087
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