
Remote access of research equipment (VDI2)

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is a virtual desktop service used with VMware Horizon Client software. It means that Aalto users can connect remotely to workstations integrated to the VDI and perform tasks like they were in the campus. VDI offers different kind of services:

• Ordinary shared-access workstations
• Workstations to manage laboratory equipment
• GPU-fitted workstations

In this context we focus on the VDI service provided for research equipment (VDI2). VDI2 works as a bridge for laboratory networks and is intended for the remote access of research equipment in laboratory facilities in Aalto University. VDI2 makes it possible to access laboratory resources like measurement devices in the campus remotely and connect to remote workstations (however not GPU calculation currently).

Possible workstations in the laboratories include Aalto Research Workstations, stand-alone Aalto workstations, and PCs in closed laboratory networks.

Related pages

vdi - How to use Aalto Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

Access an Aalto virtual workstation from your own device from anywhere.

This service is provided by:

IT Services

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