

Our podcasts provide diverse content on learning, science, business, work life and philosophy, among other things. Don your earphones and get listening!

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Podcast planning and production


Work Now and in the Future: Tools for Thinking podcast (Season 3)

The main theme of the third season is 'Tools for thinking goes international'. This time our episodes are in English, and our guests come from all over the world.

Eväitä ajatteluun logo yhteistyökumppaneiden kanssa

New podcast: “Sociotechs”

The podcast aims to explore critical intersections of technology and social issues

Sociotechs podcast

Adventures in Entrepreneurship Law

In the Adventures in Entrepreneurship Law talk show Petra Hietanen-Kunwald and Kalle Airo from Aalto University explore business law from an entrepreneurial point of view with expert guests. In some episodes their co-host is Moritz Scherleitner.

The talk show content is meant for education and does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice.

Cover image for the 'Adventures in Entrepreneurship Law' online course with Kalle Airo and Petra Hietanen-Kunwald on the photo

Operations Leadership with Gautam Basu podcast

The Operations Leadership with Gautam Basu podcast provides insights for today’s business leaders on creating value through operations improvement, process excellence, digital innovation, and leadership

Operations Leadership with Gautam Basu podcast. Photo: Aalto University / Roope Kiviranta

Future-led Learning podcast

The Future-led Learning podcast offers a platform for university educators to reflect their ideas about teaching and learning.

The Future-led Learning Podcast is hosted by Riikka Evans. Photograph: Janne Illman.

Painting Energies Podcast

Painting Energies is a podcast about light, colour, plants, microbes, and electrical energy. Eleven conversations with invited guests explore their relations, and our relations with them, through dialogue across science, technology, art, and philosophy.

Painting Energies Podcast logo

Cloud Reachers: podcast on future of learning

The Cloud Reachers podcast tackles future learning with experts from different fields from the perspective of both teachers and learners. Join the conversation and discover how we can transform learning together!

Illustration of human figures climbing stairs to clouds on blue background. / illustration: Lisa Staudinger

Magnificent Life

The podcast offers wholesome content that guides listeners to improve their mindset and live their daily life with more purpose.

Cover photo for Esa Saarinen's Magnificent Life podcast

The Best Thing Today podcast series

The Best Thing Today is a podcast series by Aalto study, career and advanced study psychologists.

The Best Thing Today banner low OASIS

Latest episodes

#9 Planting empathy - with Janet Laurence

In this episode we talked to the Australian installation artist Janet Laurence whose practice focuses on creating immersive experiences that bring people into an intimate relationship with nature. She is known for her work with plants, which not only highlights their beauty but also their fragility and the need for care and empathy to protect the environment.

Planting an aronia plant next to a big rock in Otaniemi, a shovel standing stuck on the ground next to the plant

#8 Cross-disciplinary biotopes - with James Evans (external link)

What are the ingredients for a successful cross-disciplinary collaboration? A biotope where playful experimentations and collisions across research fields are actively encouraged and supported, and persons who act as catalysts and linking agents, like James Evans, our guest in this episode.

James Evans reading scientific paper in a chemistry lab in purple glowing light

Future-led Learning 6: Esa Saarinen, part 1 (external link)

Last summer, philosopher and professor Esa Saarinen retired from Aalto University.

Future-led Learning, Oasis of Radical Wellbeing at Aalto

Future-led Learning 7: Esa Saarinen, part 2 (external link)

Last summer, philosopher and professor Esa Saarinen retired from Aalto University. Pt 2/2.

Future-led Learning, Oasis of Radical Wellbeing at Aalto

Remote Work: Are We Thriving or Barely Surviving? Part 1 of 2 (external link)

It’s been one year, are we thriving or barely surviving? The host, Maria Törnroos, is the psychologist for doctoral students at Aalto University, Espoo. Her guest is Maija Taka, a postdoc & project manager in doctoral education project Majakka in the Water and Development research group at Aalto. In the first part of the two-episode podcast, they focus on defining the background and the problem itself.

The Best Thing Today podcast

Remote Work: Are We Thriving or Barely Surviving? Part 2 of 2. (external link)

Low-hanging fruits to try: advice on how to manage remote work. In this second part of the two-part podcast, your host Maria Törnroos and Maija Taka discuss how to manage remote work and give some advice - low-hanging fruits to try! Maria Törnroos, is the psychologist for doctoral students at Aalto University, Espoo, Finland. Maija Taka is a postdoc & project manager in doctoral education project Majakka in the Water and Development research group at Aalto University.

The Best Thing Today podcast


Aalto University poster. 'Driving Renewal' hosted by Satu Rekonen. Person with blond hair in front of a red background.
University Published:

The Driving Renewal podcast delves into organizational renewal

What does renewal look like in different work environments? What does it mean in practice, and what does it demand from us as individuals?
Taija Votkin showing 360 camera use and Tomi Kauppinen and Jutta Tavaila recording a podcast episode
Cooperation, University Published:

Workshop day for teachers: 360° environments and podcasts

On Tuesday 4.6. a workshop day consisting of 360° environment creation and podcast production provides a way to get to know these media in practice. Feel free to join both workshops or one of them according to your time and interest.
Five students posing in a mini podcast studio at Aalto University
Studies Published:

Aalto Squadcast podcasters help young people to make informed decisions about their future

Aalto Squadcast podcasters share their stories, personal struggles and what helps them to cope in tough times.
Studies Published:

Information networks brought Ruusu Kukkurainen and Ida Koponen together – podcast hosts talk openly about highs and lows of student life

Ida Koponen and Ruusu Kukkurainen host a podcast in which they share their experiences as university students.
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