The research at our school focuses on advanced energy solutions, condensed matter and materials physics; creation and transformation of technology based business; data science and artificial intelligence; health technology; neuroscience; and software engineering. Get to know more information about us below, including information on joining us to research and study.

Our community

Vili Lehdonvirta, phóto: Mikko Raskinen, Aalto University

Cloud empires: Mapping the geopolitics of data infrastructures

The trend towards hyperscale cloud infrastructures is creating powerful global gatekeepers of computational capability. We must understand the geopolitical implications.

Fajr Asghar (left) and Vilma Svynarenko (right)

TET interns Fajr Asghar and Vilma Svynarenko explored everything from solar cells to Täffä’s spaghetti in Aalto

Fajr Asghar and Vilma Svynarenko first calculated the efficiency of solar cells and then wrote an article on renewable energy.

Timo Vuori

Five things leaders should know about the power of emotions in watershed moments

Associate Professor Timo Vuori explains how to turn harmful anxiety into constructive energy


News highlights

A group of people walking along the linden alley in summer

Strong overall result: 27.5 million euros from the Research Council of Finland

A total of 52 Aalto researchers received Academy Research Fellowship and Academy Project funding. The total funding awarded to Aalto University amounts to 27.5 million euros

insole at pdp gala

Compostable wood foam replaces plastic in shoe insoles

Aalto University students develop prototype of durable wood-based insole – Finnish shoe company starts testing material on users this autumn


Latest news

David Wunder voittaa palkinnon
Awards and Recognition Published:

Doctoral Researcher David Wunder wins best research translation award at BCERC entrepreneurship research conference

Research translations highlight important implications of underlying research studies for entrepreneurs and others involved in entrepreneurial ecosystem
Kaksi mieshenkilöä juhlapuvuissa kiltalippujen edessä
Awards and Recognition, University Published:

68 doctors, five honorary doctors - see photos from the conferment of Doctoral Degrees in Technology

The Ceremonial Conferment of Doctoral Degrees in Technology 2024 took place on Friday 14 June at Dipoli.
Rehtori Ilkka Niemelä katse kameraan suunnattuna, kuvattuna Dipolissa
For Aalto community University Published:

President's summer letter to Aaltonians: The quality and impact of our activities has been widely acknowledged

'We have achieved a tremendous amount together this academic year. I want to warmly thank each and every one of you for the work you’ve done,' says President Ilkka Niemelä.
Fajr Asghar (left) and Vilma Svynarenko (right)
University Published:

TET interns Fajr Asghar and Vilma Svynarenko explored everything from solar cells to Täffä’s spaghetti in Aalto

Fajr Asghar and Vilma Svynarenko first calculated the efficiency of solar cells and then wrote an article on renewable energy.

What's on?

Upcoming events at the school

Ask a Data Agent Weekly RDM Support Hour 1 - 2 PM on Zoom
For Aalto community Support for teams, Training to support research

Aalto Data Agents' weekly support hour on Zoom

A weekly Zoom room to come and ask us anything about research data and open science: data management, data storage, data analysis, data sharing, reproducibility, responsible conduct of research, data privacy, ethics.
Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
Public defences

Public defence in Engineering Physics, M.Sc. Timm Mörstedt

The Quantum-Circuit Refrigerator allows for dissipation control, reset of quantum bits, and thermodynamic control of superconducting quantum circuits.
Aalto University. Photo Mikko Raskinen

2024 INFORMS Advances in Decision Analysis Conference (external link)

INFORMS Advances in Decision Analysis Conference (ADA 2024) will be held on July 10-12, 2024 at Aalto University, Helsinki-Espoo, Finland
Aalto University. Photo Mikko Raskinen

2024 INFORMS Advances in Decision Analysis Conference (external link)

INFORMS Advances in Decision Analysis Conference (ADA 2024) will be held on July 10-12, 2024 at Aalto University, Helsinki-Espoo, Finland

Student stories

A dire need for experts in mathematics and analytical reasoning opened a world of possibilities for Matilde Costa

A fascinating course offering, the opportunity for paid summer internships, and high-quality education. Aalto University’s Mathematics and Operations Research programme was the right choice for Matilde Costa, who has a passion for algebra and number theory.

Matilde Costa at the learning centre

"It is a privilege to have this much freedom of choice” – master's programme opened up top-notch research opportunities and career paths from electronics to machine learning

Appealing opportunities for interesting summer jobs and the prospect of conducting a thesis in a preferred subject drew Evren Korkmazgil to enroll in the Engineering Physics master's programme at Aalto University.


Information networks brought Ruusu Kukkurainen and Ida Koponen together – podcast hosts talk openly about highs and lows of student life

Ida Koponen and Ruusu Kukkurainen host a podcast in which they share their experiences as university students.


Master's student Anna Huttunen: ‘Listening to others can help you listen to yourself’

Anna Huttunen, a multi-year student tutor and current wellbeing ambassador, shares her thoughts on student wellbeing and how it could be improved.

Anna Huttunen

Emil Stråka: It’s interesting to see physicists and chemists complement each other’s expertise

'It’s interesting to see how physicists and chemists can be looking at the same system, and yet arrive at very different conclusions, questions, and results. In LIBER Center of Excellence, you can see the expertise from different disciplines.'

Emil Stråka, photo by Linda Lehtovirta.

Leila Arstila: As a recent graduate, I have a whole world ahead of me

'We could learn to listen to ourselves and be kinder to ourselves. After burning out, it's really hard to climb back up. It would be easier to stop before the fall.'

Leila Arstila, photo by Linda Lehtovirta
Meet the Dean of the School of Science
Contact the School of Science
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Aalto University Undergraduate Building Y Block

Management of School of Science

Information about the management and administration of the School of Science.

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