
This page collects all events. Please click the link below for the university's highlighted news and events together with other interesting current contents

News and events webpage

Public defences

Students discussing on the classroom setting

Digital Business Master Class (nominated exchange students)

Join a challenge-based course with a focus on digital technologies as tools for building businesses. During the intensive course, students work in international teams to plan digital solutions for real business cases from partnering companies.
Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
Public defences

Public defence in Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering, M.Sc.(Tech.) Verner Püvi

The thesis studies the highest amount of solar panels that can be connected to low-voltage distribution networks.
The figure shows an artificial material used for verifying the function of a ray tracing model (RTM).
Public defences

Public defence in Measurement Science and Technology, M.Sc.(Tech.) Robin Aschan

Development of measurement instruments for angle-resolved measurements of reflectance and transmittance using visible and infrared light
Artistic interpretation of the thesis content: A mobile robot, resembling a vacuum cleaner robot, is moving through a flat.
Public defences

Public defence in Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing, M.Sc. Georg Götz

This dissertation works towards data-driven audio engines by exploring the interaction between room-acoustic modelling and data-driven methods.
Researcher looking at a reserch device.

News and events

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