

Teknologian nopea kehittyminen ja lisääntynyt tietoisuus maailmanlaajuisista haasteista ovat lisänneet tarvetta puhtaille ja joustaville avaruusoperaatioille, joiden suunnittelusta uuden sukupolven insinöörien on vastattava. Anturitekniikan ja elektroniikan miniatyrisoinnin avulla on voitu keventää satelliitteja, ja tämän myötä niiden laukaisuhinnat ovat laskeneet sellaisiksi, että laukaisu on tutkimuslaitosten ja pienempien maiden saavutettavissa.

Professori Jaan Praks[email protected], puh. +358 50 4205 847
Professori Esa Kallio[email protected], puh. +358 50 4205 857

Aalto University / Spacecraft

Satelliittihanke, jossa kaikilla on selkeä tavoite, on erinomainen motivaation lähde oppimiselle ja yhteistyölle. Monet opiskelijat haluavat osallistua todelliseen avaruushankkeeseen, ja nyt se on mahdollista. Kun motivaatio yhdistetään hankepohjaiseen opetukseen ja laadukkaisiin luentokursseihin, oppimistulokset ovat yleensä kiitettäviä tai erinomaisia.

CubeSat-hanke sopii myös hyvin yhteen sellaisten nykyaikaisten yliopisto-opetuksen suuntausten kanssa, joissa kaikki ammatillisen asiantuntemuksen keskeiset osa-alueet pyritään sisällyttämään kattavaan opintokokemukseen. Satelliitin toteuttaminen on osoitus Aalto-yliopiston tarjoaman opetuksen korkeasta laadusta. Uuden sukupolven nanosatelliitit edistävät teknologista kehitystä, jonka tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää myös muilla aloilla.

Aalto-yliopiston satelliittihankkeilla varmistetaan, että opiskelijat voivat työskennellä jatkossakin oikeiden haasteiden ja viimeisimmän teknologian parissa. Erittäin vaativissa olosuhteissa käytettävien välineiden suunnittelun avulla voimme luoda innovaatioita ja oppia arvostamaan ja kehittämään laadukkaita tuloksia.

Seuraa meitä

Active Satellite Projects

Aalto University operates its ongoing space missions from the university's ground station on campus. These satellites are controlled by students under the supervision of research staff, offering a unique educational and research opportunity. Simultaneously, new missions are constantly under development at the Aalto Satellite Laboratory.

Foresail-1 satellite

Foresail-1 Prime

Foresail-1p, a successor to Foresail-1, is a satellite by the Finnish Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Space with two payloads from Turku and FMI.

Render of the Foresail-2 satellite, showing deployed solar panels and a long boom.

Foresail-2: Space Physics Mission in a Challenging Environment

Foresail-2 will study Earth's radiation belts to improve our understanding of space weather and its effects on technology.

Suomi100 satellite


The Suomi 100 satellite is Aalto University’s 3rd CubeSat in space. The 1U satellite has two payloads, a visible light camera and an own designed and built radio instrument. The science goal of the satellite is to study space weather phenomena near the Earth, especially auroras.

Aalto-3-projektin opiskelijoita ESA:n testeissä

Aalto-3: Open Source Student Satellite Project

The Aalto-3 is the third member of the Aalto Satellites family. It is a CubeSat with a size of 1U. The goal of the Aalto-3 is to provide an Open Source satellite for everyone which has been demonstrated to work and endure in the harsh space environment.


Completed Missions

These missions have finished their operations and are no longer active. They’ve provided valuable data and insights, helping to shape the work we do today and in the future. Each mission played an important part in Finland's Aalto University’s efforts in satellite development and space research.

Engineers inspecting the Foresail-1 satellite in Aalto Satellite Laboratory.


Foresail-1 is a satellite mission from the Finnish Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Space hosting two payloads - the particle telescope (PATE) from the University of Turku and a deorbiting plasma brake device from the Finnish meteorological institute. The spacecraft is designed and built at Aalto University.

Aalto University / Aalto-1

Aalto-1: the Finnish student satellite project

Aalto-1 is a student satellite project, the first in Finland.

Aalto University / Aalto-2

Aalto-2: satellite for QB50 constellation

Aalto-2 satellite is a 2U CubeSat format satellite for the QB50 atmospheric measurement mission (qb50.eu).


Space Hardware Developed at Aalto

Aalto University has developed a range of space hardware, originating from our satellite missions and related research. This section showcases some technologies designed by students and researchers.

MAgnetometer Technology Test Instrument (MATTI), a small printed circuit board with a lot of precisely mounted electronics.

MAgnetometer Technology Test Instrument (MATTI)

MATTI is a compact, high-performance magnetometer developed by Aalto University, designed for CubeSats and based on affordable COTS components.

Photograph of the Digital Sun Sensor

Digital and Analog Sun Sensors

Aalto University has developed and tested open-source sun sensors, vital for satellite orientation, using robust commercial components.

Picture of the Foresail-1 Electric Power System PCB.

Foresail-1 Electrical Power System

The Foresail-1 EPS is a custom power system for CubeSats, providing efficient energy management and resilience in harsh space environments.


Space Technology Projects

Aalto University engages in various projects aimed at developing practical space technologies. These initiatives explore new solutions for different space-related applications and contribute to research and industry collaborations, helping to advance space technology in meaningful ways.

Large solar sail deployed around the Earth.

DIAMANT: Deployable Integrated Advanced Membrane ANTenna

DIAMANT develops deployable thin membrane antennas for small satellites, advancing communications, Earth observation, and space exploration.

A computer render of the RadEx device.

RadEx: The Foresail-2 Radiation Experiment

RadEx on Foresail-2 will test multilayer radiation shielding to minimize the radiation dose in the intense Van Allen radiation belts.

ASPECT hyperspectral imager integrated into Milani CubeSat.

ASPECT: Hyperspectral imager for planetary defense

ASPECT, a hyperspectral imager on the Hera mission, supports planetary defense, with Aalto University leading its science operations.


Open Source & Community Resources

Aalto University is committed to making space technology accessible through open-source projects and community-driven resources. This section highlights open-source hardware and software developed at Aalto, along with key information for radio amateurs and space enthusiasts.

Engineers inspecting the Foresail-1 satellite in Aalto Satellite Laboratory.


Foresail-1 is a satellite mission from the Finnish Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Space hosting two payloads - the particle telescope (PATE) from the University of Turku and a deorbiting plasma brake device from the Finnish meteorological institute. The spacecraft is designed and built at Aalto University.

Photograph of the Digital Sun Sensor

Digital and Analog Sun Sensors

Aalto University has developed and tested open-source sun sensors, vital for satellite orientation, using robust commercial components.

Image of antenna erection on the aalto ground station

For radio amateurs

Aalto Satellites works closely with local radio amateurs and wants to open up new space-hobby possibilities for all the radio amateurs around the world.


Laboratoriotilat ja -välineet

Tietoa Aalto-yliopiston avaruuslaitteisiin liittyvistä laboratoriotiloista ja -välineistä.

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