
MAgnetometer Technology Test Instrument (MATTI)

The MAgnetometer Technology Test Instrument (MATTI) is a high-performance, compact magnetometer designed by Aalto University for small satellites. Built using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components, MATTI aims to demonstrate that affordable technology can be used for scientific applications in space.
MAgnetometer Technology Test Instrument (MATTI), a small printed circuit board with a lot of precisely mounted electronics.

The MAgnetometer Technology Test Instrument (MATTI) is a small high-performance science-grade magnetometer developed by Aalto University for space applications. The low power consumption, small size, and high sensitivity of MATTI makes it an ideal candidate for small satellites such as CubeSats. In fact, the compact magnetometer has been flying in space onboard the Foresail-1 CubeSat, and it will fly again on Foresail-1 Prime to demonstrate its performance in the challenging space environment.

The magnetometer MATTI is completely based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components, and one of its objectives on the Foresail missions is to demonstrate that a scientific magnetometer based on affordable COTS components can be utilized for science applications in space. The components, although not specifically designed for space applications, need to survive in the harsh space environment that is characterized by high radiation levels, large temperature differences, and the vacuum of empty space.

The development and success of MATTI has significantly increased the expertise of the Foresail team in magnetometer development, magnetic measurements, and magnetic disturbance mitigation. This paves the way for further future high-quality research on magnetic measurement technologies for small satellites.

More information:

Lead Engineer Ville Lundén ([email protected])

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