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Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art (ViCCA) -maisteriohjelma

Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art (ViCCA) on Aalto-yliopiston taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulun tarjoama kaksivuotinen poikkitieteellinen maisteriohjelma. Ohjelma tutkii kehittyviä tietämyksiä ja käytäntöjä visuaalisten kulttuurien, kuratoinnin ja nykytaiteen risteyskohdissa. Kehotamme opiskelijoita kehittämään omia käytäntöjä näissä ja niiden välisissä asiayhteyksissä. Ohjelma on avoin kaikille asiantuntijoille, tutkijoille, taiteilijoille ja toimijoille, jotka etsivät mahdollisuuksia ymmärtää, haastaa ja muuttaa nykytaiteen ja maailman paradigmoja.

Welcome to ViCCA

    Four ViCCA students stand apart amongst the forest trees looking for mushrooms
    A ViCCA student stands in front of projected screens talking about her work with a macbook in hand
    A student hangs her work from one of the stairwells in the Vare building at Aalto University
    A student arches over the laboratory workspace to look more closely at some of the petri dishes laid out before her. In the background, two students converse with each other.
    Students gather outside an old military bunker, in the middle of a forest, on the island of Reposaari
    Green moss is placed around a macbook as part of an exhibition display
    Close up of a digital piece showing swirls of blue and some fictional text laid over the top

    ***Images taken before the Covid-19 pandemic prior to official recommendations for social distancing and mask use. Please follow current guidelines and stay safe!

    Get to know us

    About ViCCA

    About ViCCA

    Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art (ViCCA) is a two-year Master’s Programme at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture situated in the Greater Helsinki area of Finland. ViCCA’s goal is to optimise the working across disciplines, fields of research, and various occupations that is becoming a hallmark of our times. The programme considers visual culture, curating and contemporary art an agora in which conversations, negotiations, and articulations between theory, science, technology, ecology, urbanism, popular culture, economies and thinking around societal impact can be emboldened.

    Department of Art
    The ViCCA prograne

    Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art - Art and Media, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

    ViCCA-pääaineessa taiteilijat, kuraattorit ja tutkijat pyrkivät ymmärtämään, haastamaan ja muuttamaan nykytaiteen ja maailmamme paradigmoja.

    Three happy students in overalls in the Aalto University metro entrance

    Opiskelu Aallossa

    Aalto-yliopisto on rohkeiden ajattelijoiden yhteisö, jossa tiede ja taide kohtaavat tekniikan ja talouden. Koulutamme muutoksentekijöitä ratkaisemaan yhteiskunnan suuria haasteita ja luomaan hyvinvointia.

    Apply to ViCCA

    How to apply to ViCCA

    The admissions to Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art (ViCCA) are organised once a year. The current application time is December 1, 2021 – January 3, 2022.

    Department of Art
    Student Community at ViCCA

    ViCCA student community

    Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art (ViCCA) has a lively student community that organizes variety of activities (for example community dinners, exhibitions and other extracurricular activities). ViMMA is the Student Association for the students of (ViCCA) through which most of these activities are organized.

    Department of Art

    The programme merges theoretical and practice-based artistic and curatorial processes, offering an opportunity for the students to develop, deepen and re-contextualise their skills and knowledge across disciplines. At ViCCA, the faculty works with students to diversify and develop their knowledge base, offering concrete opportunities to develop research competencies, methodologies and a sense for artistic and critical thinking. 

    Art, visual culture and the forms of organisation that go into making them public cannot be described as a mirror of society but rather they are and always have been an active agent in worldmaking. Characterised by a strong transdisciplinary approach across art, science and technology, ViCCA offers students access to emerging knowledge and practices at the intersections of multiple fields through an arts-driven engagement with societal, political, economic, ecological and philosophical concerns. 

    Encouraging experimentation with diverse practices, contexts and forms of research, ViCCA is open to artists, practitioners, curators and research-oriented individuals with different backgrounds and experience, who are looking for opportunities to understand, challenge and shift the paradigm of contemporary art and the world around us. 


    Artists from the peripheries in parallax research group take part in a performance: they hold a red string between them. They stand in a snowy forest.

    peripheries in parallax: BRAVE NEW PERIPHERIES, Opening Conference and Art Event

    peripheries in parallax: BRAVE NEW PERIPHERIES is a two-part conference mapping out the implications and alliances of ‘peripheries’ and ‘peripheral approaches’ through art, artistic research and related fields in society. Alongside the conference, a durational, curated Art Event ‘MATTER’ takes place at the Aalto University Campus. The opening event will be held on the 22nd January 2021.

    Department of Art
    museum of impossible forms

    Museum of Impossible Forms wins State Art Prize 2020

    ViCCA congratulates its students and alumni who have been active (and often founding) members of the Museum of Impossible Forms (est. 2017) – an anti-racist and queer-feminist cultural center in the suburb of Kontula – for the 2020 State Art Prize that they received from the Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

    A student holds an orange birch bolete mushroom - it has a bright terracotta top and a darker stem

    ViCCA Students Launch Walk & Talk Initiative: #1 Mushroom Picking in Nuuksio

    The first ViCCA Walk & Talk took place on 17 October 2020 in the Nuuksio National Park.

    Department of Art


    ViCCA taiteen maisteriopiskelijoiden lopputyöesittelyitä

    Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art -maisteriopiskelijat esittelevät lopputyötukimuksiaan verkkotapahtumassa.

    A series of colourful circles frame the names and thesis topics for 14 December 2020

    ViCCA syyslukukauden lopputyöesitykset, 26-27. marraskuuta 2020

    ViCCA maisteriopiskelijat esittävät lopputyötutkimuksiaan verkkotapahtumassa.

    Orange and brown circles from the background of this poster with the names and topics of the upcoming MA ViCCA presentees

    ViCCA:n valmistujaispiknik ja palkintojenjako 17.6.2020

    On 17 June as we emerged from lockdown, the MA program in Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art (ViCCA) hosted an appropriately-socially-distanced, graduation picnic beside the Aalto University amphitheatre. 

    ViCCA's staff and students in front of the amphitheater on the Otaniemi campus. Sunny day of June.

    ViCCA:n maisterin opinnäytetyöesittelyt Zoomissa 15-17.6.2020

    ViCCA:n maisterin opinnäytetyöesittelyt Zoomissa 15-17.6.2020

    ViCCA thesis presentation poster 15.6-17.6.2020


    Laura Beloff

    Associate Professor of Contemporary Art and Vice Dean for artistic and creative practices (from September 2024)

    Beloff Laura - selfie

    Max Ryynänen

    Senior University Lecturer in Theory of Visual Culture

    A photograph of Max Ryynänen, a Senior Lecturer on the Theory of Visual Culture at Aalto University’s Department of Art.

    Bassam el Baroni

    Associate Professor of Curating and Mediating Art

    Bassam El Baroni. Photo by Mikko Raskinen 2023

    Lucy Davis

    Professor of Artistic Practice, Contemporary Art

    Lucy Davis

    Pia Euro


    Aalto University logo, black & white
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