Akateemiset tapahtumat ja perinteet
Akateemiset tapahtumat kattavat koko akateemisen vuoden alkaen Aalto Day One:sta ja päättyen seremoniaviikkoon. Vakinaistettujen professorien tervetuliaisluennot sekä väitöstilaisuudet jakautuvat ympäri vuoden.
Alumniverkoston puheenjohtaja Mia Sirkiä piti puheen Aalto-yliopistosta valmistuneille Otaniemen kampuksella järjestetyssä Graduation Party -tapahtumassa 14. kesäkuuta.
Sirkiä kannusti valmistuneita panostamaan ennen kaikkea ihmisiin ja luomaan muiden kanssa merkityksellisiä suhteita.
Puheen teema kumpusi kahdesta avainsanasta: uteliaisuudesta ja yhteisöstä. Sirkiä kertoi, miten näitä molempia voi kasvattaa myös alumnina.
Tuoreet alumnit juhlistavat valmistumistaan ja elinikäistä jäsenyyttään Aalto-yliopiston alumniyhteisössä, kun he saavat omat valmistujaispinssinsä Graduation Partyssa.
Lue alta Mia Sirkiän puhe, joka sisältää meille kaikille hyviä muistutuksia ja ohjenuoria elämään.
Mia Sirkiä, alumniverkoston puheenjohtajaUteliaisuus avaa uusia ovia, mutta yhteisö on se, joka tuo merkityksen ja ilon.
(Puhe julkaistu alkuperäismuodossaan englanniksi)
It is a privilege to address you on your big day and bring you Aalto alumni greetings.
I would like to talk about two important words starting with a letter "C": Curiosity and Community.
I graduated from Aalto University School of Business in 1999. My career path has taken me from traversing sales roles within global technology corporation to working with brilliant and creative minds in the advertising industry. Currently, I work as a private equity investor.
I have often been asked how I managed to secure such engaging positions and successfully transition between diverse career paths. I had to think hard before giving my answer, considering that I didn’t possess the highest grades, nor was I the hardest working person.
The answer lies in curiosity—simply being active and showing genuine interest in people and various topics.
New doors will appear when you stay curious, nurture your curiosity and are willing to learn. When these new opportunities, new doors, come to you, embrace these possibilities with an optimistic attitude. Say “yes” more often than say “no”.
The other “C” I want to address today is community. When curiosity opens new doors for you, community is the one that makes it all more fun and meaningful.
It boils down to people. While this may appear obvious, it remains an undeniable truth. When I asked several Aalto alumni friends what advice they would give to you today, their responses emphasized the same aspect: focus on people and relationships.
Having a supportive community around you serves a purpose far beyond career advancement. It makes your work and life in general more meaningful and rewarding. Furthermore, during moments of disappointment and bad days—which we all encounter—having a community and those people around you make those challenging days more bearable.
Some of you have already built your communities during your studies. However, if you have not yet done so, don’t worry, you can cultivate communities at any stage of your career.
So, how can you do it?
Here arises the term “networking”, which many find terrifying, perhaps conjuring images of awkward cocktail parties and forced small talk with strangers.
Allow me to offer you a crucial insight: Replace the word "networking" with another word—helping. Focus on helping others, being of service. Become a mentor to students, extend a helping hand to your alumni friends, facilitate connections for individuals seeking new opportunities, or engage in volunteer work for meaningful causes—there are many ways to do it.
When you approach relationships with a genuine intention to help, it brings a sense of purpose to the relationship. With purpose comes meaning and, in turn, with meaningful connections comes community.
This is how you build your own network and community. Additionally, don't hesitate to seek assistance from others. Let me share a secret with you: Most people are incredibly willing to help if you only ask them.
Remember, you are already a member of the Aalto alumni community—a community of significant size and impact, consisting of 100,000 people located in interesting and influential positions. Be proactive, maintain your curiosity, and tap into the vast potential of this great community to learn, share, and both give and receive help. Trust that, in the end, things will work out in the end.
Päätän entisen presidentti Mauno Koiviston sanoihin: ”Ellemme varmuudella tiedä, kuinka tulee käymään, olettakaamme että kaikki käy hyvin.”
Welcome to the Aalto alumni community and see you at the Aalto Alumni Weekend 2023 in October!
Congratulations to you all!
Mia Sirkiä
Alumniverkoston puheenjohtaja
Akateemiset tapahtumat kattavat koko akateemisen vuoden alkaen Aalto Day One:sta ja päättyen seremoniaviikkoon. Vakinaistettujen professorien tervetuliaisluennot sekä väitöstilaisuudet jakautuvat ympäri vuoden.
Alumnina olet osa Aalto-yhteisöä. Tervetuloa mukaan kehittymään, osallistumaan ja verkostoitumaan!