Aalto Handbook

Doctoral Education Working Group (DEWG)

The President has appointed the Aalto University Doctoral Education Working Group, which develops the university’s doctoral education, discusses the mutual issues on doctoral education and prepares the university guidelines.
Dipoli by Tuomas Uusheimo

The composition of the working group

  • Jyri Hämäläinen (chair), Vice President for Research
  • Petri Suomala, Vice President for Education
  • Ella Bingham, Director of Research Services
  • Eija Zitting, Director of Learning Services
  • Minna Söderqvist (secretary), Service Manager, Doctoral Education
  • Tiina Kotti, Planning officer, Doctoral Education
  • Aalto ARTS: Doctoral Programme Director Turkka Keinonen, Planning Officer Päivi Väätänen
  • Aalto BIZ: Doctoral Programme Director Johanna Moisander, Planning Officer Hanna Lagerkrans
  • Aalto CHEM: Doctoral Programme Director Markus Linder, Planning Officer Sirje Liukko
  • Aalto ELEC: Doctoral Programme Director Ari Sihvola, Planning Officer Emma Holmlund
  • Aalto ENG: Doctoral Programme Director Risto Lahdelma, Planning Officer Ritva Viero
  • Aalto SCI: Doctoral Programme Director Adam Foster, Planning Officer Jaakko Autio
  • Doctoral students for 2024: Marius Anger, Tom Railio

Doctoral programmes

Our six doctoral programmes offer high quality doctoral education within a multidisciplinary international research community. They prepare doctoral students for demanding academic careers and experts positions, and for working as entrepreneurs or independent artists.

Doctoral education

Doctoral education services

We support doctoral students, supervising professors, thesis advisors and doctoral programme directors in matters related to doctoral studies.


Doctoral page index

Index of all aalto.fi pages about doctoral education

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