
International academic collaboration

Discover the global side of Aalto through the internationalisation measures, international partnerships and networks, and international services.
International students at Aalto University

Internationalisation is an integral part of all activities, services, and operating principles at Aalto University and plays a significant role in enabling the university to rise further towards a world-class university.

Internationalisation strengthens the quality of research, education, innovation, artistic activities, and societal impact of the university and enriches the diversity of the science community.

Internationalisation plays a key role in Aalto University’s ability to fulfill its national, value-based, and ethical responsibilities and broadens the possibilities to contribute towards the betterment of the world.

Aalto University supports and promotes:

  • Internationalisation of research and education
  • International mobility of students and staff
  • Development and coordination of international academic partnerships
  • The enhancement of the global competence of students and staff
  • Integration of international students and staff into the Aalto community and Finnish society
  • The visibility of the university in relevant international contexts

Contact information

Aalto Partner Map

Our partner universities

Aalto University has a wide range of partner universities around the globe. Have a quick look at our mobility partners by searching through the link:

Aalto University partner map

Internationalisation of teaching and learning

Promoting international teaching and studying is a central element in Aalto University strategy.

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Aalto University, Unto Rautio photo

Aalto University's international networks

Aalto University belongs to a wide range of international partnerships, networks and alliances with a university-wide scope. Each of the international partnerships, networks and alliances have a specific focus that supports Aalto University’s strategy, especially regarding shared research and education.

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Aalto School of Business

Global Engagement team

Global Engagement team is the international, collaborative, and multidisciplinary section of Aalto University that strengthens the university’s internationalisation internally and globally in the three Purpose Areas of education, research and impact.

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Global engagement team

Internationalisation in numbers

Since 2010, the number of our international faculty, staff, and students has constantly increased. The share of international professors has risen from 9% in 2010 to 28% in 2023. 

  • 28% international professors
  • 44% research and teaching personnel
  • 28% master's degree students
  • 41% doctoral candidates
  • 72% post-doctoral candidates

Top 5 countries of origin for

  • Incoming exchange: Germany, France, Singapore, Italy, and Spain
  • Outgoing exchange: Germany, France, Singapore, Sweden, and Italy

How do we operate?

We are committed to the best practices that support the long-term development of internationalisation for Aalto university.

University Partnership Advisory Group (UPAG)

University Partnership Advisory Group

University Partnership Advisory Group (UPAG) supports and guides the preparation and implementation of international affairs at the scope of the university. The group discusses and prepares issues that require a university-wide position, policy line, and recommendations for the leadership and decision-making body of the university.

Aalto avenues to internationalisation

Aalto Avenues to internationalisation

Aalto Avenues to internationalisation crystallise the key internationalisation elements in the strategy of Aalto University.


Our strategy

Aalto University's future is built upon a foundation of high-quality research, education, impact and shared values – responsibility, courage, and collaboration. The purpose of the university is to shape a sustainable future.

Responsible internationalisation enables free exhange of ideas for reaching breakthroughs in science, technology, art and business.

Responsible Internationalisation - export control and sanctions

Compliance with export control and sanctions regulations in all international (research) cooperation promotes responsible internationalization.

Kaksi henkilöä kampuksella.

Code of Conduct - Values into practice

The Aalto University Code of Conduct is one way of putting our values and way of working — the foundation of our community culture — into practice

Aalto University

Highlights and events

FARIA AND NCURA: A Transformative Partnership to Support Global Research Collaboration

The Finnish-American Research & Innovation Accelerator (FARIA) and the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) have officially deepened their collaboration. This strategic partnership, formalized through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), marks a pivotal moment in advancing support for global research collaboration and innovation. FARIA is jointly coordianted by Aalto University and the University of Helsinki. 92 % of Finnish universities and four universities of applied sciences are organized in the network.

FARIA NCURA Workshop 2023

UniPID and TENK Release Ethical Guidelines for Global South Academic Partnerships

As academic partnerships with the Global South continue to gain popularity, issues related to resource distribution, power dynamics, and whose voices are heard and valued often arise.

UniPID and TENK Release Ethical Guidelines for Global South Academic Partnerships

Key contacts for international academic collaboration

We provide various services relevant for the internationalisation of Aalto from diverse units in the university. Please find the contacts that best suit your needs from the list below.

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