Landscape architecture

Landscape Research Laboratory

Landscape Research Laboratory is committed to promote ecologically, socially, and culturally sustainable future through interdisciplinary research.

We generate impulses towards a renewed relationship with nature and an understanding of the deep interdependency between human and nature. We investigate how to respond to the challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss and support wellbeing both for humans and non-humans. In the Laboratory, we boldly look into the future and tackle the questions related to the sustainability change in a concrete and societally impactful way. We also study the past and examine environmental changes and the evolvement of landscape architecture to understand the temporal continuum of our landscape.

As professionals of planning and design, we have skills to operate in the interface between practice and research and produce research-based and applicable solutions for urban and landscape planning. We have a broad and close collaboration with municipalities, governmental authorities, businesses, citizens, and other stakeholders. We also promote the link between research and education. 


Associate professor Ranja Hautamäki
Assistant professor Elisa Lähde

Practice-oriented research in the landscape laboratory

    Kaavio _ Paula_Piirainen

    Research projects

    ARVO - Viherrakenteen arviointi ja vahvistaminen kaupunkien maankäytön suunnittelussa

    Hankkeen päätavoitteena on säilyttää ja vahvistaa viherrakennetta tiiviisti rakennetuissa kaupungeissa ilmastonmuutokseen varautumiseksi ja sopeutumiseksi.

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    ARVO-pilottisuunnittelijoiden tapaaminen, kuvatervehdys


    The multidisciplinary project quantifies the carbon sequestration and storage potential of urban green and creates new carbon-smart planning solutions.

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    CoCarbon / Ranja Hautamäki

    Changing nature and landscape architecture discourses

    The project investigates the design discourses and changing conceptions of nature in Finnish post-war landscape architecture.

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    Muuttuva luonto _ Ranja Hautamäki

    Regenerative coastal and marital landscapes

    The project investigates and develops opportunities of Finnish coastal and marine areas to transition into regenerative socio-ecological systems.

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    tutkimusalue Elisa Lähde

    Urban nature in the compact city

    The project examines the planning discourses and design practices of green structure and urban nature in a densifying city.

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    Kaupunkiluonto tiivistyvässä kaupungissa _ Ranja Hautamäki

    Saaren kartano - beyond sustainability

    The goal of the project is to strengthen the multispecies cooperation in the Saaren kartano manor area and create impulses towards a regenerative relationship with nature.

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    saaren kartano mynämäki

    Diverse Urban Nature

    The project examines how biodiversity is understood in the urban environment and how this is reflected in planning and design solutions.

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    urban biodiversity

    Green heritage of landscape architecture

    The project examines the cultural heritage of landscape architecture and the evaluation and preservation of historical landscapes.

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    Completed research projects

    Suburban landscape

    The project recognizes ecosystem services and cultural heritage as integral parts of the suburban landscapes and their development.

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    Lähiömaisema Aada Taipale

    Nordic Models of Welfare and Landscape

    The Nordic research network examines how welfare and welfare society have been conceptualized and materialized in landscape architecture.

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    Welfare landscape verkosto _ Ranja Hautamäki

    Hiilipuisto - Carbon Park

    Hiilipuisto project launches scientific monitoring of biochar-based planting soils and develops sustainable practices in the green building sector.

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    Kuva: Esko Salo

    Where are the women in Scandinavian landscape architecture?

    The Nordic network explores the role of women in twentieth-century landscape architecture and its historiography.

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    Where are the women _ verkosto _ Ranja Hautamäki

    Mainstreaming the Green Factor Tool

    The project investigates and mainstreams the Green Factor Tool to support climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as biodiversity.

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    Viherkerroin / Mari Ariluoma


    The project develops practices and processes to support mainstreaming nature-based solutions in municipalities and regions.

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    Tasapeli / Ranja Hautamäki

    iWater – integrated stormwater management

    In iWater-project new strategies, innovations and tools are developed for stormwater management.

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    iWater /

    UrbanStormwaterRisk - Stormwaterpilot project between Finland and Chine

    The aim is to develope stormwater flood risk management in pilot project between Finland and China.

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    Doctoral dissertations

    Minna Komulainen, 2010: Forestscapes – Forest Landscape Typology as an Integrated Planning Process Tool

    Ranja Hautamäki, 2016: Kartanot kaupungissa: Helsingin kartanoympäristöjen kaupunkimaistuminen, säilyttäminen ja yhteensovittaminen kaupunkirakenteeseen

    Outi Tahvonen, 2019: Scalable green infrastructure and the water, vegetation, and soil system - Scaling-up from Finnish domestic gardens

    Elisa Lähde, 2020: Mission Blue-Green: The Significance of Co-Creation to Promote Multifunctional Green Infrastructure within Sustainable Landscape and Urban Planning and Design in Finland

    Maria Jaakkola, 2021: Understanding Green Urban Landscape — A Phenomenological Approach

    Ongoing doctoral research

    Mari Ariluoma: Optimizing the carbon sequestration and storage potential of urban green (responsible professor Ranja Hautamäki, funding: Co-Carbon-project)


    Ariluoma, M., Kinnunen, A., Lampinen, J., Hautamäki, R. & Ottelin, J. 2024. Optimizing the co-benefits of biodiversity and carbon sinks in urban residential yards. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities. 6, 17.  

    Ariluoma, M., Leppänen, P-K., Tahvonen, O., Hautamäki, R. & Ryymin, A. 2023. A framework for a carbon-based urban vegetation typology - A thematic review. Environmental Development. 47, 16. 

    Ariluoma, M., Ottelin J., Hautamäki, R., Tuhkanen, E-M. & Mänttäri, M. 2021. Carbon sequestration and storage potential of urban green in residential yards: A case study from Helsinki.  Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 57.  

    Miia Heikkilä: Restorative Experiences in Forests and Japanese Gardens. Holistic Approach for Healing Environmental Design (responsible professor Ranja Hautamäki, funding: Koneen säätiö, Metsän puolella)


    Heikkilä, M., Verma, I., & Nenonen, S. (2024). Toward Restorative Hospital Environment: Nature and Art in Finnish Hospitals. HERD, 19375867241239320–19375867241239320. .

    Jukka Jormola: Replacing the lost - planning of reproduction channels and rapid landscapes. Menetetyn korvaaminen – lisääntymisuomien ja koskimaiseman suunnittelu (responsible professor Ranja Hautamäki)

    Articles: Jormola, J., Haapala, A., Leinonen, K., Tapaninen, M., Vähänäkki, P. & Koljonen, S. 2022. Performance of constructed fish spawning and rearing channels : development of the Imatra City Brook in Finland.

    Sofia Kangas: Improving the applicability and relevance of systemic approaches in the field of urban and landscape planning (responsible professor Elisa Lähde) 

    Leena Lahdenvesi-Korhonen: Maisematietoisuus ja elinkeinotoiminta kunnan kulttuuriympäristöohjelmissa (responsible professor Ranja Hautamäki)

    Paula-Kaisa Leppänen: Residential vegetation and its climate impacts - from plant-scale to properties and urban neighborhoods (responsible professor Ranja Hautamäki)


    Ariluoma, M, Leppänen, P-K, Tahvonen, O, Hautamäki, R & Ryymin, A. (2023). A framework for a carbon-based urban vegetation typology - A thematic reviewEnvironmental Development, vol. 47, 100899. 

    Leppänen, P.-K., Kinnunen, A., Hautamäki, R., Järvi, L., Havu, M., Junnila, S., & Tahvonen, O. (2024). Impact of changing urban typologies on residential vegetation and its climate-effects – A case study from Helsinki, FinlandUrban Forestry & Urban Greening96 . 

    Olivia Mahlio:  Enhancing Urban Biodiversity through Landscape Architecture: Strategies for Mitigating Biodiversity Loss in Urban Areas (responsible professor Elisa Lähde, funding: ARVO-project)

    Caroline Moinel: A life cycle approach to urban green spaces (responsible professor Ranja Hautamäki, funding: Co-Carbon-project)

    Articles: Malabi Eberhardt, L. C., Kuittinen, M., Häkkinen, T., Moinel, C., Nibel, S. & Birgisdottir, H. 2023. Carbon handprint – a review of potential climate benefits of buildings. BUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION. 

    Saara Pyykkö: Colour design of new neighbourhoods based on the chromatic experience of environment (responsible professor Ranja Hautamäki, funding: multiple sources of funding)


    Pyykkö, S. (2023). Conceptualizing the chromatic experience of environment: Two case studies using the Color Walk method. Color Research and Application, 48(5), 585-598. . Conceptualizing the chromatic experience of environment: Two case studies using the Color Walk method — Aalto University's research portal

    Pyykkö, S. (2023). Uuden asuinalueen värisuunnittelu asemakaavassa. Yhdyskuntasuunnittelu, 61(1), 11-48. . Uuden asuinalueen värisuunnittelu asemakaavassa — Aalto University's research portal

    Pyykkö, S. (2019). Creating a chromatic atmosphere: The colour design process of the new Koivusaari neighbourhood in Helsinki. Journal of the International Colour Association, 23, 3-14. . Creating a chromatic atmosphere: The colour design process of the new Koivusaari neighbourhood in Helsinki — Aalto University's research portal

    Nicolette Slagle: Citizen Engagement in Contaminated Land Restoration (responsible professor Elisa Lähde, funding: Nesslingin säätiö)

    Maija Tiitu: Green space accessibility and walkability across urban fabrics –  residents’ perspective (responsible professor Ranja Hautamäki)


    Viinikka, A., Tiitu, M., Heikinheimo V., Halonen, J. I., Nyberg, E. & Vierikko, K. (2023). Associations of neighborhood-level socioeconomic status, accessibility, and quality of green spaces in Finnish urban regions. Applied Geography 157, 102973. 

    Kati Wolff Susi: Katri Luostarinen ja luontoperustaisen maisemasuunnitelun tulo Suomeen toisen maailmansodan jälkeen (responsible professor Ranja Hautamäki)



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    Otaniemen kampus (C Mikko Raskinen 2018)


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