Nina Granqvist

Nina Granqvist

E706 Dept. Management Studies
Department of Management Studies

The focus of my research is how new industries and market categories emerge and develop - how new ideas, trends and technologies move from margins to mainstream. The studies explore this topic from multiple theoretical perspectives, including institutional theory, market categorization, temporality, narratives, and agency in nascent fields. Empirically, my collaborative, multidisciplinary research draws on extensive qualitative datasets on for example the development of quantum computing, nanotechnology, cultural industries, food trends and impact investing. My research has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Organization Studies, and Journal of Management Studies, among others. I have received Organization Studies Best Paper Award also known as Roland Calori Prize and EGOS Best Paper Award for the studies that examine the emergence of nanotechnology. I was also chosen as the Scholar of the Year at Aalto University School of Business in 2017.

In terms of academic service, I am a senior editor for Organization Studies and a member of the editorial board of Academy of Management Journal, Organization Theory, and the Research in the Sociology of Organizations. 

I act as a group leader of market activities in the Finnish Quantum Flagship and am a member of the OECD Global Forum on Technology expert focus group on quantum technologies.

I teach varying strategy topics in the Aalto master's degree programmes as well as modules on strategic management, managing change and strategic foresight in Aalto Executive Education. I also engage extensively in doctoral education at both Aalto University and abroad.

Prior to my academic career I worked as a consultant for Accenture and a brief time in the media sector at Bertelsmann in Germany.

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Honors and awards

Researcher of the Year Award/ Aalto University School of Business

Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Management Studies Sep 2017

Best Paper Award

EIBA 2017 Milan Conference, the track "MNEs and Sustainable Development"
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Management Studies Dec 2017

EGOS Conference Best Paper Award 2009 for the paper Granqvist, Grodal & Woolley, Executives’ Labeling Strategies in Emerging Domains of Activity

First out of 948 papers; the later version published in Organization Science
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Management Studies Jan 2009

Above and Beyond the Call of Duty, ABCD Award for Excellence in Reviewing, Organization and Management Theory Division

Academy of Management Conference
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Management Studies Jan 2008

Roland Calori Prize 2013, best paper in Organization Studies

Chosen out of the articles published during 2011-2012. Awarded for the study Granqvist & Laurila (2011). Rage against Self-Replicating Machines: Framing Science and Fiction in the U.S. Nanotechnology Field, Organization Studies 32 (2): 253-280
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Management Studies Jan 2013


Chasing Storms: Temporal Work to Foster Group Engagement under Uncertainty

Derin Kent, Nina Granqvist 2024 Academy of Management Journal

Giving Sense to de novo Market Categories: Analogies and Metaphors in the Early Emergence of Quantum Computing

Oona Hilkamo, Nina Granqvist 2022 Advances in Cultural Entrepreneurship

Temporal work by consultants in nascent market categories: constructing a market for knowledge in quantum computing

Oona Hilkamo, Anne Sophie Barbe, Nina Granqvist, Amber Geurts 2021 Technology Analysis and Strategic Management

A processual view of organizational stigmatization in foreign market entry

Tiina Ritvala, Nina Granqvist, Rebecca Piekkari 2021 Journal of International Business Studies

Constructions, Claims, Resonance, Reflexivity: Language and Market Categorization

Nina Granqvist, Marjo Siltaoja 2020 Organization Theory

The Dynamics of (De)Stigmatization

Marjo Elisa Siltaoja, Merja Lähdesmäki, Nina Granqvist, Sami Kurki, Petteri Puska, Harri Luomala 2020 Organization Studies

Culture, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Michael Lounsbury, Joep Cornelissen, Nina Granqvist, Stine Grodal 2019 Innovation : organization & management

Culture, Innovation & Entrepreneurship; Guest Editors: Michael Lounsbury, Joep Cornelissen, Nina Granqvist, and Stine Grodal

Michael Lounsbury, Joep Cornelissen, Nina Granqvist, Stine Grodal 2019 Innovation : organization & management

Culture, innovation and entrepreneurship

Michael Lounsbury, Joep Cornelissen, Nina Granqvist, Stine Grodal 2019 Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice

Culture, innovation and entrepreneurship

Michael Lounsbury, Joep Cornelissen, Nina Granqvist, Stine Grodal 2019

Exploring emerging scientific fields

Amber Geurts, Heidi Henrickson, Nina Granqvist, Patrick Rinke 2018 Arkhimedes

Shades of Foreignness: Towards a Stigma-Based View

Tiina Ritvala, Rebecca Piekkari, Nina Granqvist, Henrika Franck 2018 34th EGOS Colloquium 2018: Surprise in and around Organizations: Journeys to the Unexpected

Call for papers for a special issue on culture, innovation and entrepreneurship

Joep Cornelissen, Nina Granqvist, Stine Grodal, Michael Lounsbury 2017 Innovation : organization & management

From categories to categorization

Rodolphe Durand, Nina Granqvist, Anna Tyllstro'm 2017 From Categories to Categorization: Studies in Sociology, Organizations and Strategy at the Crossroads

Refugee Entrepreneurship and Organizing Social Integration

Steffen Farny, Farah Kodeih, Johanna Mair, Nina Granqvist 2017 Academy of Management Proceedings

Doing Qualitative Research on Emerging Fields and Industries

Nina Granqvist, Galina Kallio, Heli Nissilä 2017 Routledge Companion to Qualitative Research in Organization Studies

From Categories to Categorization

Nina Granqvist, Rodolphe Durand, Anna Tyllstro'm 2017

Shades of Liability Of Foreignness: Towards a Stigma-Based View

Tiina Ritvala, Rebecca Piekkari, Nina Granqvist, Henrika Franck 2017 Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy

The International Expansion of an Art Museum : Guggenheim's Global-Local Contexts

Tiina Ritvala, Rebecca Piekkari, Henrika Franck, Nina Granqvist 2017 Growth Frontiers in International Business

Beyond Prototypes: Drivers of Market Categorization in Functional Foods and Nanotechnology

Nina Granqvist, Tiina Ritvala 2016 Journal of Management Studies

Temporal institutional work

Nina Granqvist, Robin Gustafsson 2016 Academy of Management Journal

Internationalization of an arts organization: The experimental expansion pattern of a Guggenheim museum to Helsinki.

Tiina Ritvala, Rebecca Piekkari, Nina Granqvist, Henrika Franck 2016 Proceedings of the 42 nd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy

Temporary Organizing and Institutional Change

Sampo Tukiainen, Nina Granqvist 2016 Organization Studies

The negotiation of materiality and aesthetics in the Helsinki Guggenheim project

Nina Granqvist, Tiina Ritvala, Henrika Franck 2015 31st European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium (EGOS), Athens, Greece, July 2-4, 2015

Hedging your bets: Explaining executives' market labeling strategies in nanotechnology

Nina Granqvist, Stine Grodal, Jennifer L. Woolley 2013 Organization Science

Saving lives vs. king's new clothes?Comparing the emergence of functional foods and nanotechnology

Nina Granqvist, Tiina Ritvala 2012 72nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, USA, August 3-7, 2012

Executives’ Labeling Strategies in Emerging Domains of Activity: Constructing and Using Nascent Market Labels

N. Granqvist, S. Grodal, J.L. Woolley 2009 AOM Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, USA, August 7-11, 2009

Labeling Strategies in Emerging Domains of Activity

N. Granqvist, S. Grodal, J.L. Woolley 2009 EGOS 25th European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain, July 2-4, 2009

Executives’ Use of Labels in Emerging Domains of Activity

N. Granqvist, S. Groda, J.L. Woolley 2008 West Coast Research Symposium, Stanford, USA, 5-6 September, 2008

Institutional Entrepreneurs as Mediators between Global Ideas and Local Institutions in Field Emergence - Cases of Functional Foods and Nanotechnology in Finland

N. Granqvist, T. Ritvala 2007 AOM Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, US, 3-8 August, 2007

Nanotechnology and nanolabeling Identity, projected image, and the construction of new organizational forms

N. Granqvist 2007 Joint Wharton-Chemical Heritage Foundation Symposium on Social Studies of Nanotechnology, Philadelphia, USA, 7-8 June, 2007

Social Movements, Framing and Emergence of New Technological Fields - Case Nanotechnology in United States 1986-2000

N. Granqvist 2007 AOM Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, US, 3-8 August, 2007

Emergence of new technological fields as a framing and counterframing contest by movement protagonists - case nanotechnology

N. Granqvist 2006 International Conference for Technology Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-5 December, 2006

Institutional Entrepreneurship in New Field Emergence - Incorporating the Structural Hole Argument

T. Ritvala, N. Granqvist 2006 AOM Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA, 11-16 August, 2006

Field emergence in functional foods and nanoelectronics in Finland - linking institutional and network approaches

N. Granqvist, T. Ritvala 2005 EGOS 21st European Group for Organisational Studies Colloquium, Berlin, Germany, June 30 - July 2, 2005

Field emergence in nanoelectronics in Finland - linking institutuonal and nwtwork approaches

N. Granqvist, T. Ritvala 2005 Competitive Dynamics Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, June 14-15, 2005

Monitieteisen tiedon tutkimuksen puolesta

P. Ståhle, K. Mäkelä, N. Granqvist 2005 Kanava

New Industry Creation in Knowledge-Driven Businesses Case Mobile Games Industry in Finland

N. Granqvist 2004 5th European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities, Innsbruck, Austria, April 2-3, 2004

New Industry Emergence in Spatial Context

N. Granqvist 2004 EGOS 20th European Group for Organisational Studies Colloquium, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 1-3, 2004

The Effect of Venture Capital Investments to Knowledge Creation in Technology-Based New Firms

Nina Granqvist 2003 EDAMBA Summer School, Sorèze, France, 19-24 July, 2003

Globaali peli on muuttunut (Global game has changed)

Heli Penttinen, N. Granqvist 2003 Avista: Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulun tiedotuslehti