Research & Art

Key Research Area: Global business dynamics

Research related to global economy dynamics is carried out in the areas of business, economics, and industrial engineering and management.
General image of people gathered at Slush startup event, photo by Mikko Raskinen
Aalto displays at Slush 2019. Photo by Mikko Raskinen.

Phenomena like digitalisation and platform economy transform how we work, live and handle money and property.

Aalto University research addresses a range of issues related to the dynamics of a global economy and is carried out in the areas of business, economics, and industrial engineering and management.

Much of the work is done in close collaboration with Finnish industry.

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Latest news in this area

Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu / Kuva Roope Kiviranta
Appointments Published:

Professor appointments at the School of Business

Prottoy Akbar, Pablo Warnes, Erkki Vihriälä and Christoph Huber will start in their new positions on 1 August 2024.
Aalto University School of Business
Research & Art Published:

School of Business featured in many top-level international publications

Over the entire month of April 2024, the School of Business featured in publications reaching a combined readership of over 11.8 million
OP-FIDA-yritysprojekti, Kauppakorkeakoulu
Cooperation, Studies Published:

Excellent cooperation to find opportunities for the FIDA regulation for OP Financial Group

Aalto University School of Business collaborated with OP Financial Group in a student project on exploring EU FIDA regulation opportunities
Accounting capstone course winners
Studies Published:

Towards the transition from the academic world to the professional world

Accounting Masters students had the opportunity to tackle real-life business challenges in the CAPSTONE course in accounting


Startup Center main page

Startup Center (external link)

Aalto University Startup Center main page

A group of students working on a presentation at Aalto Ventures Program

Aalto Ventures Program

The best way to predict the future is to build it. We teach students to build like an entrepreneur.

Our departments in this area

BIZ Main Building by Mika Huisman

Department of Accounting & Business Law

The Department of Accounting is one of the leading research faculties in the Nordic region.

Outside picture of the School of Business building in Otaniemi. Three Aalto Flags swinging in front of the building.

Department of Economics

The Department of Economics provides a comprehensive insight into the functioning of economies and the environment in which companies operate.

Architectural picture of the inside of the School of Business. Many people sitting on different coloured chairs.

Department of Finance

The Department of Finance at Aalto University School of Business is one of the leading finance departments in Europe.

Stack of management books.

Department of Management Studies

The Department of Management Studies offers a dynamic environment for scholarship and learning.

marketing major

Department of Marketing

The Department of Marketing is a thriving and dynamic community of faculty, researchers, staff, and students. The department has earned international acclaim for its ambitious and rigorous research output. We are at the bleeding edge of marketing.

Students sitting and talking together

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

We conduct world-class research and education focusing on the creation and transformation of technology-based business.

Two business students, one is holding a laptop, discussing with the Professor after his lecture. Another group of students talk in the background.

Department of Information and Service Management

The Department of Information and Service Management refers to the creative use of information and digital technology in business and the move from industrial to service dominant forms of production.

Key research area contact

 Dr. Markus Mäkelä

Dr. Markus Mäkelä

Manager, Health and Wellbeing & Global Business Dynamics Key research areas, Aalto Networking Platform
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