School of Business

School of Business 110 years in 2021

The School of Business (today Aalto University School of Business) was founded in 1911, so in 2021 it celebrates its 110th anniversary. During 2021 we will gather on this page interesting highlights and milestones from the history as well as dear memories from the School’s 110-year history. Moreover, we tell how the School heads towards the future. #kauppis110
Tynellin valaisimet Aalto-yliopisto Töölön pääaulassa. Kuva: Mikko Raskinen
Tynell's light in the main lobby of Aalto University Töölö. Photo: Aalto University / Mikko Raskinen

Peek to the School’s history

Here you can find a few great events and news pieces from past decades.

The School of Business turns 110 in 2021

In 2007 the Helsinki School of Economics was granted the coveted so-called Triple Crown accreditation, becoming the first in the Nordic Countries to do so.

School of Business. Photo: Mika Huisman / Aalto University

New School of Business going up in the heart of the Aalto University campus

The new building will be complete before Christmas, and the School of Business will move in soon after, in early 2019.

Uusi Kauppakorkeakoulu_Aalto-yliopisto

FINNFOCUS 68 export trade show organised by the Helsinki School of Economics Student Union (KY) was a major event in its day

Over 140 companies had an exhibition stand on the m/s Finnpartner ferry of the FINNFOCUS 68 export trade.

Kuvassa näkyy Finnpartner-autolautta, jolla järjestettiin Finnfocus-vientinäyttely.

‘The building designed by my father and Woldemar Baeckman really is magnificent’

Asko Harmia, the son of architect Hugo Harmia, visited the former School of Business building designed by his father and Woldemar Baeckman.

Asko ja Else-Maj Harmia Aalto-yliopisto Töölön juhlasalissa

Onerva Vartiainen: ‘I am remarkably grateful for everything the School of Economics gave me’

The class of 1952 met at the Ekonomiaukio building on the first Monday of March.

Yksitoista Kauppakorkeakoulun vuosikurssi -52 alumnia kokoontui Ekonominaukiollasaan.

Alumni of the School of Business returned to their old school 70 years after they started their studies

Budding internationalism, friends, choral singing and a secure post-graduate job are at the forefront of memories.

Vuosikurssin -49 alumnit Helga Dahlgren (vas.), Olli Nuotio ja Kristina Puranen

‘Many lecturers and professors at the School of Business stick in one’s mind for decades’

The class of 1954 of the School of Business convened at Aalto University Töölö.

Kauppiksen alumneja, vsk -54

Photos of the Student Union KY’s celebrations sold like hot cakes

Esko Antikainen photographed almost all of KY’s celebrations and other university events for a three-year period in the late 1950s.

Kauppakorkeakoulun mursujaiset 1958, kuva: Esko Antikainen

Hearty congratulations to Veikko Jääskeläinen on his 90th birthday on 1 December 2021

Professor Emeritus Veikko Jääskeläinen served as the rector of the School of Economics in 1992–1996.

Rehtori Veikko Jääskeläinen, Kauppakorkeakoulu

Kauppis Memories

Here you can read the memories of former and current members of the School community.

Kiitosjuhla lahjoittajille, #kauppis110. Kuva: Heli Sorjonen
University Published:

Many thanks to supporters of the School of Business

Donations help build a strong future for the School of Business
Dekaani Timo Korkeamäki lahjoittajaseinäteoksen edessä. Kuva Roope Kiviranta
University Published:

A warm thank you to all our Kauppis 110 donors!

‘It is rewarding to work in an institution with such strong and extensive support of its community,’ says Dean Timo Korkeamäki.
Kuvassa näkyvät Kauppatieteiden Kandidaattiyhdistys ry:n puheenjohtaja Vuokko Skyttä ja sihteeri Kristiina Linnoinen. Kuvan otti Helena Salminen.
Cooperation Published:

Business and economics alumni association donates to the School of Business

The donators want to support the internationalization of the School of Business' students and to help them create international networks.
Kauppis-muisto, Annamari Vahvaselkä ja Kaarina Väkimies
University Published:

Our Kauppis Memory: Reunions are always happy and often emotional

‘Mikkeli Spirit glues the whole group together.’

Towards the future: The School has a new strategic plan for 2021–24, which includes new mission &
vision and four strategic initiatives.

Read below for more information.

Our Vision

Our vision is to attract and cultivate global leaders in business research, education, and practice.

Our Mission

We strive for better business and better society. We excel in education and research with a multidisciplinary approach and in collaboration with our partners.

The four strategic initiatives

  • Educational renewal with life-wide learning
  • Cutting-edge research and infrastructure
  • Community wellbeing
  • Sustainability 

Read more about the School of Business new strategy

New strategy for the School of Business

New vision and mission statements and the four strategic initiatives will guide the School’s activities throughout 2021–2024.

Entrance, Ekonominaukio 1, photo by Unto Rautio

Educational renewal with lifewide learning is one of the four key strategic initiatives at School of Business

Multidisciplinary degree programs, digital education, Sustainable Development Goals, and holistic wellbeing are in focus when the School’s educational offering is developed further.

The picture shows Associate Dean of teaching and education Tomas Falk. Photo: Aalto University.

Cutting-edge research and infrastructure is one of the four School of Business key strategic initiatives

The aim is to help researchers to succeed in their research even better.

The photo shows Associate Dean of research and international cooperation Virpi Tuunainen, and the photo was taken by Mortti Saarnia.

Community wellbeing is one of the four School of Business key strategic initiatives

The first actions aim at enhancing the wellbeing of students, faculty, and staff during the pandemic.

Kuvassa näkyvät professori Rebecca Piekkari ja HR-päällikkö Eliisa Lassila. Kuvan otti Roope Kiviranta Aalto-yliopistosta.

Sustainability is one of the four School of Business key strategic initiatives

Professor Minna Halme: Business schools play a key role in solving sustainability challenges.

Professor Minna Halme. Photographer: Veera Konsti.

Would you like to support Business and Economics?

There is a strong demand for business studies in society and thus, the goal of the School of Business is to grow substantially during the 2020s. With your donation, you can help us to continue offering high-quality education and conducting ambitious research for better business and a better society also in the future. 

Kauppakorkeakoulun opiskelijoita koulun edustalla

School of Business – Building the future

At the School of Business, we work for better business and a better society by educating future talents.

School of Business

News about donations and donor stories

Antti ja Susanne Suhonen
Cooperation Published:

‘We enjoyed the inspiring atmosphere of the School of Business’!

By donating, Antti and Susanne Suhonen want to support Finland's success in a tough international competition.
University Published:

Nokian Tyres donates EUR 200,000 to the School of Business

The donation is targeted to be used as Nokian Tyres and Jukka Moisio scholarships for masters students going on exchange programs abroad
Saastamoisen säätiön edustajat
Cooperation Published:

The Saastamoinen Foundation is active in promoting science and art internationally

Social impact and support for young people is important to the Foundation
Jude Kokkonen. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Roope Kiviranta
Cooperation, University Published:

Genuine networking is about meeting people as people

For School of Business alum Jude Kokkonen, people and doing things together is a matter close to his heart
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