
The School of Business's activities in Töölö ended in a nostalgic Thank you Töölö! celebration

The School of Business moved to Otaniemi on 15 February 2019.
Kauppislaisia kirjoittamassa jäähyväistekstejä Thank you Töölö! -seinälle
Guests could write their own farewell on the memory wall. Photo: Lasse Lecklin

The School of Business's activities at the Töölö campus ended in festivities on Valentine's Day 14 February. At the Thank you Töölö! evening event, the School of Business’s faculty, staff and master's students were able to reminisce about the past and start to look to the future. The School of Business moved from Fabianinkatu to Runeberginkatu in 1950 so the school’s 68-year history at Töölö holds a lot of memories. The event was hosted by Arttu Aine, chairman of KY, Aalto University Business Students’ Association, and Elias Hoffrén, KY’s vice chairman.

At the beginning of the evening, the guests were welcomed with a song by a small joint choir of KYL and KYN, the male and female choirs of the Student Union of the School of Business. This was followed by a speech from alumnus Daniel Tuori, who reminisced about his time as a student in the 1980s. ‘The spaghetti bolognese that was served on Fridays at the student restaurant Rafla was much needed after Thursday’s club evenings.’ With a smile on his face, he also remembered a saying that Kauppis (School of Business) was on the sunny side of Arkadiankatu, and Hanken (School of Economics) was on the other. At the end of his speech Tuori involved the crowd in a shouty question and answer session by asking ‘Is it a K, is it a Y, is it a KY?’

This year’s KY’s Speks was the 24th such event, and performers from KY’s Speks group entertained the crowds with their special Thank you Töölö! show. One of the humorous performance’s topics was the School’s move from Fabianinkatu to Runeberginkatu in 1950 and how it aroused a lot of feelings. The speeches of the evening were given by the former Rector of the School of Business Eero Kasanen and current Dean Ingmar Björkman.Greetings from Aalto University were brought by Provost Kristiina Mäkelä. Remembering the past but looking to the future, the speakers remembered to note that ‘There is always an opportunity in change.’

A delicious dinner was served in both the Proffa and Rafla restaurants. During the evening, guests could write their own farewell on a time line memory wall and they had an opportunity to take pictures of themselves and their colleagues in memorable places in the iconic building. The evening at Runeberginkatu finished with enthusiastic dancing. The evening’s music was provided by the amazing alumni band Stop the Press, who in their speech thanked the main organisers of the celebration, Milja Koski, Event Coordinator of the External Relations at the School of Business and Eevi Huhtamaa, the Dean’s assistant.

Thank you Töölö’s official after party was held in the KY House’s legendary basement, and the party was hosted by KY’s cultural division KUJ.

Juhlamaljat kohotettiin ala-aulassa.
Toast to the School of Business. Photo: Lasse Lecklin
See you at Ekonominaukio 1 -viirit päärakennuksen pääovien yläpuolella
See you at Ekonominaukio 1! Photo: Lasse Lecklin
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