
A warm thank you to all our Kauppis 110 donors!

‘It is rewarding to work in an institution with such strong and extensive support of its community,’ says Dean Timo Korkeamäki.
Dekaani Timo Korkeamäki lahjoittajaseinäteoksen edessä. Kuva Roope Kiviranta
Dean Timo Korkeamäki in front of the Donors' Wall at the School of Business. Photo: Aalto University / Roope Kiviranta

Last year, the School of Business celebrated its 110th anniversary. In honor of the anniversary year, the school launched a donation campaign, one of the aims of which was to strengthen the school's resourcing and thereby ensure that the education of future kylteri (business school student) generations continues without compromising on quality.

The campaign, which lasted until the end of the year, exceeded all expectations: more than 200 alumni and friends of the school donated to the school’s various donation targets. Timo Korkeamäki, Dean of the School of Business, tells of his feelings during the campaign:

‘The year 2021 was bizarre in many ways. Amid all the change and uncertainty, it was, however, great to celebrate continuity and permanence as our school celebrated its handsome 110 years on January 16, 2021. It is amazing to think that we have been educating business graduates for Finnish and international business since 1911!’

‘In the future, we will educate even more business graduates as we have set ambitious growth targets for our school. These targets are supported not only by demand, but also by the government's efforts to increase the share of the highly educated in the population of our country. This, of course, requires resources, and I am humbly grateful that alumni and friends of the School of Business are making this growth possible through donations,’ says Korkeamäki.The Kauppis 110 donation campaign got off to a fast start in January and continued briskly until the end of the year. There was a 27 percent increase in donations compared to the previous campaign a few years ago.

Kauppistyypit ja uramyytit -podcastin juontaja Tume
Donors' Wall Abacus at the School of Business. Students sometimes form words and symbols with the named pearls when passing by. Photo Aalto University / Helena Salminen

Dean Korkeamäki is pleased with both the number of donations and the increase in the number of donors.

’It has been especially great to see the wide range of our background support, including both the longtime supporters and a delightful number of first-time donors. In addition to donations, I have also received several heartwarming messages about how the years spent at Kauppis have shaped and paved the way for both personal life and meaningful careers.’

‘I am extremely grateful for all the support our alumni and friends showed Kauppis during the anniversary year, despite the pandemic. It is rewarding to work in an institution with such strong and extensive support of its community,’ says Korkeamäki.

‘My heartfelt thanks once again to every donor! Every donation is important to us.’

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