
Aalto AI Assistant (former Aalto GPT)

Whether you are a teacher, researcher, or member of the administrative staff, the Aalto AI Assistant, our new artificial intelligence tool, is designed to assist you in your daily tasks.

Aalto AI Assistant is a chat-based tool linked to the same language model as ChatGPT. As with all language models, the AI Assistant should be regarded as a supportive tool that might make mistakes. It can be utilized for translations, text refinement, content generation, brainstorming, and more. Seek quick answers, gather research insights, enhance your texts, and streamline administrative tasks to save time.

Aalto AI Assistant is an official collaboration tool of Aalto University, initially available to Aalto personnel and scheduled to be accessible to students in autumn 2024.

How to use Aalto AI Assistant

  1. Working remotely? Turn on VPN 
  2. Visit
  3. Choose “login”, in the top-right corner
login to AI Assistant

As Aalto personnel member you have access to use AI Assistant. The intention is to provide students with access in the fall of 2024.

Please follow discussions and latest news in Daily AI community in Aalto Social.

Basic elements of the user interface​

The buttons and functions of the Aalto AI Assistant are intentionally designed to be similar to those of the ChatGPT version.

  1. Begin the discussion in your preferred language.

  2. ​Review the response and copy it if necessary.

  3. …and continue the discussion to improve the answer   ​

  4. Change the language models (and later data) for more accurate answers, for longer inputs and AI's answers.

  5. Advanced settings allow you to modify the language model's parameters, such as the temperature, which alters the model's randomness.. 
  6. Cost Counter: Aalto will pay the costs for you, but please follow your costs, keep it under 30 euros/month.  GPT 4 is 20 times more expensive than GPT 3.5.
Aalto AI Assistant user interface
Top menu in AaltoGPT

Top menu in Aalto AI Assistant

  1. Tips-link: For handy use of Aalto AI Assistant, hints for prompt engineering, typical use cases etc. 
  2. About-link: The official service page in Background, role, roadmap 
  3. Feedback-link: Give anonymous feedback. Bugs, questions, improvement ideas '

Change the language model

Language models are the intelligence behind chat-based AI tools.  They make the discussion feel like there was human chatting with you. ChatGPT and Aalto AI Assistant both rely on OpenAI’s GPT (general pre-trained transformation) language models. ​

1. Change the language model, in the bottom-left corner ​

2. Choose a language model to chat with, by your needs: ​

GPT 3.5 is Aalto’s default language model. It is the most popular language models in the world. It is fast and inexpensive. Use it in your daily prompting. ​

GPT 4 is meant for more advanced tasks, like coding. It is more trained and therefore accurate language model. It is also 20 times more expensive and slower while responding. Use it when you know you need it. ​

GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 for long documents let you add 3-5 times longer queries and also give you much longer answers. ​

AI Assistant language model

Allow longer questions and answers, by choosing the Long Document language models

The standard language model GPT 3.5 or GPT 4 does not support long combinations of questions and answers. Select the long document language models at the bottom to enable both longer questions and more detailed answers. The length is actually measured in tokens, however, below is a rough estimate in words on document pages.

Estimation of how long input and output each language model can offer
Rough comparison of the amount of text enabled in your question and AI’s answer, all together: Four pages of text compared to twenty pages of text.

What kind of content to use in AI Assistant

You can use public, internal and confidential data while chatting Aalto AI Assistant.  Secret content is not allowed.

What type of content to process in Aalto AI Assistant

If you wish you to process personal data a DPIA might be needed for your use case. Remember also other instructions for processing personal data: Data protection | Aalto University

Are you allowed to copy-paste text with personal data into Aalto AI Assistant?

Step 1 - Three alternative scenarios while processing personal data

Begin by detailing the types of personal data, the potential for text anonymization, and the methods of content processing, as well as the purposes for which the content is utilized.

What type of content to process in Aalto AI Assistant

Text (in emails, documents or meeting transcriptions) with personal data must be either anonymized or you do the following: 

Step 2 - Detailing the use of personal data

Briefly. Scenarios A and C are easy and quick to outline.  B takes more time. 

A. The low-risk data, like names, addresses, with publicly available content is usually less risky and therefore this kind of content can be copied  (e.g. from email) to Aalto AI Assistant. 

B. The methods of processing and the purposes for which personal data are used, affect the necessity for a Data Protection Impact Assessment. In DPIA process, you will identify and minimize the data protection risks, with help from Aalto LEGAL department. 

C. Content with special categories of personal data, like political or ethnic details, is not possible to copy-paste and process in Aalto AI Assistant, not at the moment. 


personal data scenarios with details

If you wish you to process personal data a DPIA might be needed for your use case. Remember also other instructions for processing personal data


Work with Generative AI

Using generative AI every day is going to transform how you do your work in the next few months and years. This page gathers some current tips for your reference.


TOP 10 - Frequently asked questions

Aalto AI Assistant schedule

This kind of service needs some piloting to cover various different user groups, to get feedback, and to learn about the costs and support needs. Here are the phases in which piloting has been done and will be executed:

  When? Who?
Phase 1 Summer 2023 Legal + Developing team
Phase 2 End of September 2023 IT services, PMT and many management teams, and many selected persons from various functions and teams
Phase 3 Between October 2023 and end of 2023 Up to 500-600 users
Phase 4 March - End fo May 2024 All Aalto personnel
Phase 5 June - September 2024 Enable AI Assistant for students and courses, with GPT 3.5. First for testing teams, later for all students. 


AI services' roadmap 2024, in Aalto

What's next in Aalto AI Assistant

See also

Mixing table with lights on.

FAQ - Productised AI and Azure OpenAI

Frequently asked questions and their answers for productised AI and Azure OpenAI

Aalto logo

Responsible use of Artificial Intelligence in the research process

How to ensure research integrity and responsible conduct of research when using AI? How should we interpret the concepts such as reproducibility; bearing responsibility on the correctness of the results presented; respecting the authorship of others, and data protection?

Light bulb

Tips for using artificial intelligence for students

Tips for using artificial intelligence in learning

This service is provided by:

IT Services

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