
Hackathon for SELECT for Cities Internet of Everything (IoE) City Enabler

Aalto University Center for Knowledge and Innovation Research (CKIR) organises a one-day hackathon on 14th of March in Otaniemi campus together with Forum Virium Helsinki. Join us to develop applications for innovative urban IoE-based (Internet of Everything) services for Helsinki, to create value for citizens and businesses. You will also have a chance to win a prize worth up to 1000€!
You can compete in this hackathon as an individual or with a team (max 5 people). The participants will be working on two real-life use cases from Helsinki, using the City Enabler platform as a starting point.

Aalto University Center for Knowledge and Innovation Research (CKIR) organises a one-day hackathon on 14th of March in Otaniemi campus together with Forum Virium Helsinki. Join us to develop applications for innovative urban IoE-based (Internet of Everything) services for Helsinki, to create value for citizens and businesses. You will also have a chance to win a prize worth up to 1000€!

You can compete in this hackathon as an individual or with a team (max 5 people). The participants will be working on two real-life use cases from Helsinki, using the City Enabler platform as a starting point.

1st prize: 1000€
2nd prize: 500€
3rd prize: 300€

The prizes will be given as Amazon gift cards.

Location: Väre building, class room L208, Otaniementie 14, Espoo

Draft schedule of the day:
9:30 registration
10:00-12:00 presentation of platform and challenges
12:00-13:00 lunch & forming teams
13:00-17:00 participants working
17:00-18:00 networking & jury evaluation work
18:00 nomination of winners

This hackathon is organised in the context of third phase of SELECT for Cities project, where IoE-based platforms are being validated in Helsinki and Antwerp. City Enabler is a platform that allows urban service providers (public and private) and the local Governments to actively collaborate in exploiting urban data. It serves as a single entry point for data, provides data visualization and analysis and creates opportunities for development of new city services.

See the demo video that shows the City Enabler platform:


Register now!
Registration link:

For more information, please contact [email protected]

Useful links to hackathon material:


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