Low Temperature Laboratory
The Low Temperature Laboratory (LTL) is administered by the Department of Applied Physics. It is part of the national Otaniemi Research Infrastructure for Micro- and Nanotechnologies, OtaNano, and partner in the European Microkelvin Platform. Read more about us and find out how to contact us through the links below.
The Low Temperature Laboratory has advanced sub-Kelvin refrigeration facilities: two sub-mK (unique rotating cryostat and world record stationary cryostat) and more than 10 dilution refrigerators aimed for different type of experiments.
LTL Facilities
Sub-Kelvin refrigerators and semi-cleanroom
LTL access
Access policy and visitors
LTL Training
In order to get access to the LTL equipment a new user should pass safety course, basic training course and be instructed about LTL facilities.
LTL Support Services
Contact information: cryogenic liquids and workshop
Please find the Aalto Research & Teaching Infrastructure Scheduling Tool here.
Record low temperatures
Low Temperature Laboratory has produced several world records of low temperatures in about thirty years' span and still holds the record for macroscopic condensed matter systems.
LTL Milestones
Historical highlights of LTL
LTL Spin-offs
Spin-offs from LTL
Completed PhD Theses at LTL
List of completed PhD Theses at LTL
Annual Reports (external link)
Annual reports of Low Temperature Laboratory
The success story of Finnish low-temperature physics can be uncovered at Aalto University Archives
The Low Temperature Laboratory (LTL) of Aalto University is a significant success story of Finnish science. The laboratory was founded by the Finnish physicist Olli V. Lounasmaa (1930-2002). The Archives of Aalto University hold archival collections from first few decades of the LTL’s operation, as well as the personal archive of Lounasmaa.
Where to find us
Nanotalo building
Puumiehenkuja 2