Study options

Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design - Design, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

The studies in Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design nurture hands-on exploration and conceptual development grounded in critical thinking and practice-based knowledge. Students are supported in exploring multidisciplinary collaboration, new technologies and materialities to expand their creative thinking and innovate design methods and solutions on a high artistic and professional level.
Aino Ojala, I Feel You 2023, MA Thesis
Aino Ojala, I Feel You 2023, MA Thesis


Master of Arts (Art and Design)

Application period:

28 Nov 2024 – 27 Dec 2024

Language of instruction:



2 years, full-time


Relevant Bachelor's degree

Field of study:

Art and Design


120 ECTS

Organising school:

School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Tuition fees:

For non-EU/EEA citizens, €20000/y (Master’s studies) Read more

Applying to master’s programmes


How can fashion and textile designers drive a transition to more responsible futures? In which ways can textiles embrace change? How can fashion promote social and cultural diversity and justice? What if clothing could transmit knowledge on environmental impact? The studies in Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design nurture hands-on exploration and conceptual development grounded in critical thinking and practice-based knowledge. Students are supported in exploring multidisciplinary collaboration, new technologies and materialities to expand their creative thinking and innovate design methods and solutions on a high artistic and professional level.

Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design (FaCT) is one of the three majors of the Master’s Programme in Design, others being Contemporary Design (CoDe) and Collaborative and Industrial Design (CoID). In addition, the Master’s Programme in Design collaborates closely with the Master’s Programmes in Creative Sustainability (CS) and International Design Business Management (IDBM). All are two-year programmes, whereby students graduate with a Master of Arts degree in Design.

Aalto University is ranked globally in top ten in the field of art and design by QS World University Ranking. The world-class teaching and facilities ensure that, upon graduating from the study option, graduates are able to:

  • create future-oriented products, services and systems as a member of a multidisciplinary or trans-disciplinary team and/or as an individual designer.
  • combine creativity, curiosity, continuous renewal and expression with analytical skills and practice.
  • understand how to lead and communicate design-driven, often complex processes with empathy, critical thinking and research-founded reasoning.  
  • comprehend how design contributes to socio-material transformations for a sustainable future. 
  • undertake design research to build knowledge, to support and justify the practical work, and to possibly apply for education leading to a Doctor of Arts degree. 
  • Reconsider and reshape the current state-of-the-art in the field of textiles and/or fashion.  
  • Proactively and creatively evaluate future socio-technical challenges and innovate new sustainable and culturally inclusive design solutions for the global field of textiles and/or fashion.
  • Identify their own aesthetic approach and find their own creative voice in the field of textiles and/or fashion. 
  • Practice experimental, practice-based and conceptual approaches in fashion and/or textile design.  
  • display the skills and attitude to co-innovate, cooperate and communicate with various stakeholders.
  • apply design and process management skills and verge strategic and systemic thinking in product and material development.  

Language of instruction

The language of instruction in the Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design major is English.

Tuition fees and scholarships

The tuition fee for this programme is 20 000 euros per academic year. Citizens of European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland do not pay tuition fees. Citizens of other countries must pay tuition fees.

Aalto University offers a small number of scholarships in the form of tuition fee waivers to fee-paying students. Scholarships can be awarded to the highest-achieving applicants based on the programme's evaluation criteria. Applicants are ranked according to the criteria outlined on the programme's webpage.

More information on tuition fees and scholarships at Aalto University is available at the Scholarships and Tuition Fees webpage.

Structure of studies

Overall, the Master’s in Design – Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design comprises a total of 120 ECTS credits. Main compulsory studies are selected from the major’s study offering. Students will also participate in joint studies of the Department of Design (12 ECTS) and will produce a thesis project around a design subject (30 ECTS). In addition, students choose elective studies according to their Personal Study Plan.

The first-year major studies build on the student’s previous knowledge in fashion and/or textile design.Critical approaches to fashion and textiles, such as sustainability and cultural sensitivity, are the grounding for all studies. The first semester starts with an introductory course on different approaches to sustainability in textile and fashion design. The autumn continues with one of the two alternative explorative courses focusing either on a material approach to textile and fashion thinking. In addition to further compulsory programme and major studies, the first-year curriculum includes alternative and elective studio-based and project-based courses. The second-year studies consist of the master’s thesis and selection of advanced workshop courses, as well as further major and elective studies. The personal study plan, including compulsory and elective studies, is adjusted to support the student’s personal study track and the thesis process.

Throughout the studies, emphasis is given to innovating new ecologically and culturally sustainable solutions. In the studies, creative practice is combined with analytical skills and the basics of academic and design-research methods are based on exploring trends and phenomena. Students are encouraged to innovate and re-think current practices in fashion and textiles as well as design business and industry. The studies support the student’s personal creative vision and skills in a forward-thinking approach to product and material development and cultivate a practice-led approach. Fundamental design skills, such as design for functionality, aesthetics, and diversity, are essential in the studies.

Design-driven experimentation and critical thinking extend the core textile and fashion studies. Students are challenged to explore the possibilities of new technologies and innovative design solutions in both physical and digital media in multidisciplinary teams. The studies emphasise the student’s capability to collaborate and nurture an entrepreneurial mindset.

For more information about studies see Student guide under Curriculum

Master's Programme in Design


The study tracks in the Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design Major are defined as experimental and commercial. The personal study plan can also be based on a combination of these. Graduation in the two-year target time is achieved through carefully planning the personal study path. The study plan builds on knowledge from previous studies and encourages students to tailor their personal study paths with offerings from other programmes. The student's academic advisor supports in defining the scope of the alternative studies and elective studies - with integration of possible minor or an internship.


Upon joining Aalto University, students are welcomed to an international community of competent, creative and responsible individuals. 15% of the students and 40% of the faculty in the University come from across the world, bridging students with the global design network. The School of Arts, Design and Architecture has strong connections to other leading design schools and universities across the globe. Students are encouraged to apply for internships and exchange studies and gain experience by participating in international competitions, exhibitions, conferences and trade fairs to further enrich their learning path.

Further study opportunities

Graduates majoring in Fashion, Clothing, and Textile Design have the required knowledge to continue in doctoral studies at Aalto University or another university in Finland or abroad. The Fashion/Textile Futures research group at Aalto University has been able to offer thesis topics that are integrated into ongoing research projects and offer research assistant opportunities to FaCT students.

Career opportunities

The master’s studies prepare graduates to advance their professional careers towards their personal areas of interest and specialisation within the field. The graduates have the skills and knowledge needed to sustain a professional career in the fashion and/or textile design industries, related media, and education in a global setting. Some of our alumni work as fashion and textile designers and creative directors, and many establish their own businesses. The master’s studies also prepare students for a career in academic and corporate research.

Research focus

Aalto Design Research has four interlinked foci: 1) Design for Sustainability, 2) Codesign and Human-Centred Design, 3) Practice-Based Design Research and 4) Materials, Textile & Fashion Design. Our research environment fosters goal-oriented research, imaginative experiments, critical discussion and cross-disciplinary enquiry. We work with businesses, scientists, technologists, sociologists, policymakers, public sector organisations and communities of interest towards a more just and sustainable world. 

Co-operation with other parties

Multidisciplinary collaboration between the six Aalto University schools is extensive. The School of Arts, Design and Architecture has a long tradition of successfully collaborating with external partners in projects and courses and nurturing close relationships with a number of external stakeholders. Companies, research institutes, for-profit, not-for-profit and public organisations frequently reach out to Aalto University as one of the leading design schools in Europe, to work with students on real-world societal problems and business opportunities.

Applying to master’s programmes

Study-option-specific Admission Procedure and Evaluation Criteria 2025

Applicants meeting Aalto’s general eligibility criteria for master's studies will be evaluated and ranked according to the evaluation criteria decided in advance for each study option. The applications to Master’s Programme in Design - Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design (FaCT) major will be evaluated based on the following criteria.

Learn more about fashion and textile design at Aalto


Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design (FaCT) (external link)

Aalto Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design major's own website. Learn more about course highlights, course leaders, facilities and more!

Image: Aalto University, AaltoTEXTILES network

AaltoTEXTILES network (external link)

AaltoTEXTILES is a network linking all textile-material related activities within design, technology and business at Aalto University

Work by fashion student Noora Ainasoja at Näytös18 event. Photo: Mikko Raskinen

Aalto Fashion (external link)

Aalto fashion is a creative community that explores fashion in its diverse expressions. The platform showcases the works of Fashion BA and MA of Aalto.

Follow us!

Contact information

Learning Services at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture

For enquiries regarding programme-specific application documents or studies in the programme, please contact Aalto ARTS Learning Services.

[email protected]

Admissions Services

For enquiries regarding the application process, obligatory application documents or English language proficiency, please contact Admissions Services.

[email protected]

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