Aalto ARTS Handbook

Communicating your event at Aalto ARTS

How to reach Aalto community or other audiences to communicate your event?
A logos in a virtual event setting studio
How to reach Aalto community or other audiencces in order to communicate your event

Events: How to reach Aalto community? 

  • Aalto Arts communications can help you distribute your events through the Aalto newsletter & ARTS Facebook page. Just let us know well in advance when the next event takes place. The newsletter is sent every other week, so sometimes it doesn’t work in very short notice. 
  • You can also produce posters and place them around campus.
  • You can produce digital material for campus screens, you can find some info on that here: https://www.aalto.fi/en/services/information-screens-and-media-walls-on-campus. NOTE! The ready-made materials are to be sent to [email protected] so not to us at the School, we do not operate the IT-system behind the screens 
  • You can also contact alumni relations and ask if they wish to send the event through their newsletter. Contact Annika Linna [email protected] 
  • You can send information about your event to your department to get it to weekly staff-letter. The departmental secretary might be the right person.

How to reach other audiences?

  • First, you’ll have to figure out who the event, lecture series or exhibition is for. Is it mainly for professionals of your own field? Then contact an expert organisation, and ask if they could help spread the word. Or make a list of all the same oriented companies and send an invitation to their communications departments. 
  • If your event is in Marsio building and you are trying to reach a wider, general audience, then you want your events to be added on the Marsio webpage: https://www.aalto.fi/en/marsio. Contact Anitta Pirnes and ask for them to add your event to this page. [email protected] 

 Hopefully these steps help, just let us know if you need more support.

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