Leading university in Finland

Aalto University is the leading university in Finland in the field of digitalisation in the number of students, professors, publications and funding.
Aalto Flags - Aino Huovinen

Aalto University is the leading university in Finland in the field of digitalization in the number of students, professors, publications and funding:

  • Over 400 Master's degrees and about 100 Doctoral degrees per year
  • Aalto's students earn about 100 000 study credit points in various fields of digitalization per year
  • About 80 professors directly focused on digitalization, and another 80 in applications
  • 50 MEur competitive research funding per year

In the best 1% universities worldwide

In a worldwide comparison, Aalto is ranked into 150-200 in the most important university ranking systems in the field of ICT. That is, Aalto belongs to the best 1% of all universities. For example:

  • At Microsoft Academic Search, Aalto is the 11th best university in the world, and the best European university, in the field of "computer science / machine learning and pattern recognition", in terms of publication citations.

In a recent USN&WR university ranking Aalto was ranked 83th in computer science, the only Finnish university in top 100, and 20th among European universities! See more on computer science results in this page. The U.S. News rankings, based on schools' academic research and reputation, allow students to compare universities around the world.

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