EIT Project Lifetime
EIT Innovation project lifetime - from the idea to the sing off of a successful project
From the idea to the proposal:
- The idea (developing, challenging, discussing and adjusting the idea)
- The consortium (finding industrial partner(s) who see the idea attractive & interesting)
- Writing the project proposal in close collaboration and adjusting the text based on the call documents - Please inform Aalto EIT Services that the proposal is under development!
- Making the project budget collaborating with your controller (page about School & Department Controllers is coming soon...)
- Checking the KCA with your controller (KCA info page is under development)
- Sending the project proposal to KIC Managers who will take care of the proposal approval (please note the approval can take up to 2 weeks - page about project approval protocol is coming soon...)
- After receiving the proposal approval from KIC Manager, the proposals is ready for the submission
From the evaluation to the EIT portfolio:
- The evaluation process: https://beta.aalto.fi/node/14806
- Evaluation result: Project leaders will be informed and the best proposal will be part of the proposed EIT portfolio
- Mandatory changes are emailed: project leader will be informed about the changes requested before the proposal can be officially accepted (please note that this stage can take place in July)
- The resubmission of the proposal after the mandatory changes
- Waiting for the budget confirmation (expected around early December)
From the kick off to the sign off:
- The Project Kick-off meeting (please invite Aalto EIT Services who can provide useful information about EIT projects)
- The Project Agreement (PA) proposal will be sent by the KIC to the project partners please forward it to the KIC Managers who will initiate the signature protocol
- Starting the project
- Submit the amendment: this is the time to review the Business Plan (funding, deliverables, KPIs and workplace) and report to the KIC if there is any difference between the original plan (Business Plan) and the reality (this is also a great opportunity to get ready for the annual reporting)
- The financial and performance development of the project has to be reported annually
- Published:
- Updated: