Aalto NeuroImaging (ANI) Infrastructure

AMI Centre facilities - Monitoring systems

Monitoring systems available at AMI Centre.


AMI offers simultaneous EEG measurements with fMRI. Information such as EEG equipment storage, maintenance, ordering accessories, wiring and use of EEG inside the scanner are demonstrated in the document which is located in the console room at AMI Centre.

Eye tracking

AMI Centre has SR Research's MRI compatible EyeLink 1000 eye tracking system. See the document below how to use EyeLink at AMI Centre.

Face camera

MR Compatible "Face camera" by MRC Systems GmbH can be used to monitor subject's face (or body) during the measurements. For the manual, see the document below.

Physiological signals

Several physiological signals, such as electrocardiogram (ECG), heart rate, respiratory cycle and galvanic skin response can be measured with BIOPAC system. Manuals on how to measure these signals can be found from the console room at AMI Centre.


AMI Centre facilities

Information about the MRI scanner, stimulus equipment and monitoring devices.

Aalto NeuroImaging (ANI) Infrastructure
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