Aalto Online Learning - Online Hybrid Lab

With 360°, students can practice real-life situations

360° learning environments have unique benefits that could help you to reach your teaching goals with spending less resources, especially if you think about scaling up your course.

One benefit of 360° learning environments is that you can practice real-life situations. For example, students can learn about safety before entering a lab or a building site in real life. This approach can be implemented in environments that require knowledge about its operational settings before entering or working in it. You can learn where things are located, what they are called, how to use a piece of certain equipment, and even pass an entry exam.

360° and VR are used in cases where learning in real life would be too dangerous or expensive, i.e. taking care of patients, using an expensive machine, etc. Also, militaries use 360° and VR for practicing purposes.

Image from remote site: storage.net-fs.com

Medical Training and Simulation Center (external link)

Virtual Tour sample with E-learning and Quiz capacities.

Image from remote site: storage.net-fs.com

E-Learning Safety Demo Project (external link)

Virtual Tour of a construction site.

With a VR headset and a 360° picture or a video from a classroom or in an auditorium with an audience, it is possible to practice public speaking, i.e. presentations, speeches, or lecturing. Practice in an authentic environment can ease the stress of a performer.

In short 360° can help to prepare for real-life situations and save both time and money. 360° environments and real life are not the same, but a 360° environment gives you virtual access to real-life places.

Written by:

 Sofia Sevón

Sofia Sevón

Specialist, 360° Learning Environments
  Taija Votkin

Taija Votkin

Specialist, 360° Learning Environments
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