Aalto University Junior

Open lectures in Aalto

Quantum physics, economics and neurosciences. Aalto University's open science lectures are aimed at higher secondary students, but lower secondary school students, Aalto students and teachers are also welcome. The lectures brings new perspectives to the teacher, e.g. to study science and mathematics.
Tutkija puhuu yleisölle


Lectures and seminars

Department of Computer Science: MSc Thesis Presentation

Jere Hirviniemi and Oskari Järvinen will present their MSc theses on Wednesday 24 July at 14:15 in A211, CS building.
Haikko manor photo
Lectures and seminars

Summer school: Measuring the Sustainability Potential of Your Research​

Aalto University Bioinnovation Center organizes a summer school: Measuring the Sustainability Potential of Your Research (5 ECTS). Join us in the legendary Haikko Manor & Spa in the beautiful seaside location in Porvoo, southern Finland. The course is targeted to doctoral students interested in sustainability aspects of bio-based materials and products.
Lectures and seminars

Department of Computer Science: MSc Thesis Presentations

Essi Tallgren will present her MSc thesis on Tuesday 13 August at 14:00 in Zoom
Abstract black and white illustration, text Life in Academia in the middle
Lectures and seminars

Life in Academia

Life in Academia is a series of talks where experiences are shared, lessons are learned, and new perspectives are embraced.
Frank Martela: Meaningful work - Strengthening inner motivation at work
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