For Open University hourly teachers
An introduction to the instructions for Open University hourly teachers
It aims to promote educational equality, support lifelong learning and increase societal interaction.
The Open University of Aalto University provides education in business, arts and technology. Open University education allows everyone interested in the fields represented by Aalto to pursue studies meeting the current Aalto University degree requirements. You can take Open University classes regardless of your educational background.
Open University services are organised as part of the joint learning services offered by Aalto.
Open University students have the opportunity to take individual courses and study modules. While you cannot complete a higher education degree at the Open University, you can take a number of degree courses.
The number of study places approved for Open University students is limited.
The Open University curriculum is ALWAYS based on the curriculum approved by the university (by biennial decision of the University Academic Affairs Committee). The curriculum comprises:
integrated courses. (The department reserves a quota for Open University students as part of its degree studies curriculum.) Compensation is paid to the department annually for these study places based on the extent of the studies and the number of students registered.
Non-degree studies. (Teaching and other resources are organised for these studies, which are generally held online or taught in the evening.) These studies are designed for non-degree students.
The studies are resourced and carried out according to the Open University’s planning for the term.
In terms of content, the studies are not new or different compared to the degree studies.
For these studies, the teachers, teaching methods, timing and language of lectures may vary.
Main principles guiding our selection of courses
Course planning aims to provide an attractive, multifaceted offering of courses to the university’s external customers.
The Open University provides the opportunity to take entire study modules as well as a track to admissions for a university degree.
Flexible and accessible opportunities to take studies
Studying at the Open University gives you opportunities to:
learn more about studying at university level and the different academic subjects available
enhance your professional skills and competencies needed for working life
gain science-based insights into current phenomena
aim for a degree by taking studies which may be counted toward a university degree later
apply to become a degree student through the Open University track (for Aalto University business and technology fields)
complete a minors
Aalto University degree students who take some of their studies through the Open University have more ways to complete their studies as well as an expanded selection of minors to choose from. These students can complete their studies faster and graduate sooner. Open University studies can give graduates competencies needed to extend their careers.
The Open University charges a fee for its education, based on the Government decree on the fees charged in university operations (Valtioneuvoston asetus yliopistojen toiminnassa perittävistä maksuista (1082/2009)) and section 2 of its amendment (1436/2014). The education provided by the Open University is funded by tuition fees and by the state budget as part of Finland’s basic funding for universities. The amount of credits completed through the Open University is one of the criteria on which the results-based model for the funding of universities is based.
Aalto University degree students, too, must pay tuition fees for Open University studies, with the exception of certain summer courses funded by the university separately.
Studies completed by Aalto University degree students are not counted in the Open University’s results.
Studying at the Open University is considered part-time studying for general educational purposes and does not entitle the student to receive student benefits;
however, Open University students can receive an adult education allowance if their university-level studies are considered further vocational education and training or continuing professional education.
An introduction to the instructions for Open University hourly teachers