Aalto University Summer School

Responsible Business Conduct

During this course, you will learn the common ground and differences between the frameworks on business and human rights (BHR) and corporate social responsibility (CSR), and what it means to conduct business in a sustainable and responsible way.
Three people sit in a lounge having a discussion, the central person wearing a pink shirt, with two others facing him.
Photo: Roope Kiviranta

Teaching period:


Application period:

31.1.2025 – 31.5.2025

Course format:



2 weeks full-time

Course level:


Field of study:

Business and Economics




Aalto University

Tuition fees:


Large-scale events happening worldwide disrupt global supply chains and impact local communities. Companies play a crucial role in fostering sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth by adopting responsible business practices. Such businesses build greater customer trust, improve employee commitment, enhance competitiveness, and drive innovation while improving access to financial resources. By operating responsibly, companies contribute to better living conditions, improved sustainability practices, and a healthier overall environment for citizens.

During this course, you will learn what corporate sustainability due diligence means and explore the step-by-step process companies should follow to identify and assess human rights and environmental impacts in their operations and supply chains.

We will have a look at sector-specific human rights risks and analyse the policies and tools companies are implementing to mitigate them. Finally, we will examine how companies implement grievance mechanisms and communicate their commitments and achievements on corporate sustainability with different stakeholders. 

The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, effective July 2024, requires large companies to address human rights and environmental impacts in their operations and value chains. This also impacts small and medium enterprises in their networks, driving momentum for sustainable, responsible corporate behavior and stronger protection of human rights and the environment.

Person with wavy hair wearing a white shirt and dark blazer, standing in front of a large window and tripod lamp.

Teacher Information

Dr. Daria Nagaivska is an Academy Research Fellow and a Post-doctoral researcher at the unit of Organizational Communication at Aalto University School of Business.

Daria coordinates research and provides consultancy services to UN agencies, investors and private companies on responsible business conduct and women's economic empowerment, including a conflict-affected context. In her work, Daria uses an interdisciplinary and multicultural approach based on her professional experience of working in academia and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in Finland, Ukraine, France, Germany, Poland and Switzerland. 

In 2024, Daria partnered with UNDP Ukraine to survey companies on aligning with the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. In 2023, she developed an educational series on “Business and Human Rights” and “Human Rights Due Diligence in Wartime” with support from UNDP and the Government of Japan. From 2022 to 2024, she worked with UN Women on private-sector partnerships and women’s economic empowerment.

Daria graduated with honours from Lyon II University (France) and defended her PhD thesis on the social responsibility of business in 2018.

 Summer School Team

Summer School Team

Aalto University Summer School networking event

Summer School social programme and events

Get to know your coursemates and Finland through engaging extracurricular activities and social events organised by the Summer School team.

Aalto University Summer School
Male student with a large tattoo on his neck looks at his laptop while making notes in a notebook

Information for Summer School Applicants

Get to know the application guidelines and tuition fees.

Aalto University Summer School
A group of Aalto University Summer School students sitting and chatting in the grass on Aalto campus.

Aalto University Summer School

Everything you need to know about Summer School! Make this summer unforgettable and experience the best of Aalto University and Finland under the Nordic summer sun.

Aalto University Summer School
Aalto University students lying in the grass laughing.

Travel arrangements for Summer and Winter School students

Learn about the guidelines for visa application and budgeting for your stay during the summer course.

Aalto University Summer School

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