Aalto University

Processing of indoor environment anomaly

Indoor environment anomalies are processed the following way.
  1. Oservation of an anomaly in the indoor environment
    1. Do own measures to improve the indoor environment. Conditions normalized with self-controlled measures.
    2. If the anomaly persists, create a ticket about the anomaly on ACRE's homepage https://acre.aalto.fi/en/contact-form)
  2. Checking the technical reference values of the building (co-operation with ACRE and Aalto University Occupational Safety), communication with the customer (ACRE)
    1. Investigations on the technical building systems (linkki TTL) (ACRE indoor climate specialist and property manager), occupational safety will be informed about the situation
    2. Communication with the customer and supervisor, more information from the customer if needed (ACRE and occupational safety)
    3. Building services are operating as intended and the situation has normalized
  3. Personal sensitivities
    1. Make an appointment with your designated occupational health physician if you suspect that an anomaly in the indoor environment may cause you health symptoms that are not eliminated by simple technical measures. In occupational health care, your state of health is assessed holistically, if necessary, taking into account possible confounding factors, which often make it difficult to determine the symptoms related to indoor conditions.
    2. Occupational health care acts as an expert who can provide the employer with an assessment of the health-significant harm and the risk of illness related to indoor conditions in support of decision making.  
    3. If you are a student, make an appointment with the FSHS doctor in charge.
    4. Evaluation of the need for temporary facilities
  4. Evaluation of the need for temporary facilities (TTL) if the situation persists (occupational safety, customer and supervisor)
    1. Surveying of the other facilities that the unit can use
    2. Arranging temporary facilities (occupational safety, customer, supervisor and ACRE)
    3. Updating the using of the temporary facilities to the table of the temporary facilities (occupational safety)
  5. Co-operation with ACRE, service provider and customer. Informing the customer in real time.
    1. ACRE agrees with the service provider about the need of technical analyses, measuring or the need for sampling and its  extent
    2. Planning and scheduling the work (ACRE)
    3. Implementing and verifying the work (ACRE and service provider)
    4. Archiving the investigation reports (ACRE)
    5. Briefing (ACRE, occupational safety, health care or student health care)
  6. Relocation to the original facilities
    1. Relocation to the original facilities, as soon as the work of the service provider is verified (ACRE, occupational safety and the customer)
    2. Monitoring of the situation (contacting the customer, queries and interviews if needed)
    3. If the symptoms persist, discussions with the health care
Processing of indoor environment anomaly
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