V Our responsibility for information and data
We advance responsible and innovative data usage practices and culture in order to build data driven operations and to maximise the value of data in all activities of Aalto University. We value the transparency and openness of data.
Taking care of data security and data protection as a part of the day-to-day processing of data is everyone’s responsibility at Aalto University.
Responsible sharing of research results
We promote open science and research and open access to research outputs. Our policy is to publish research results and to advance the use of innovations and other results of our work in order to maximise our societal impact. At the same time, we respect the intellectual property rights of others and the confidentiality of information they own.
Responsibility for data and privacy
We follow the guidelines for creating data for common use and recognise that sharing data helps to ensure the quality of data. Whenever processing personal data we follow Aalto data protection policy as well as instructions on personal data processing. Processing of personal data should always be based on a legitimate purpose and relevant to such purpose, and shall be fair, accurate, transparent and informed.
Information security
We are aware of the classification of any data we use and share. It is everyone’s responsibility to follow Aalto guidelines on information security management. We use only university validated services and applications to ensure information security.