ACRIS Instructions
Aalto Current Research Information System (ACRIS) is Aalto University’s research information management system. The system contains up-to-date information about the research and artistic activities of the university. These activities are shown through the public portal
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ACRIS support and administration
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Data in ACRIS
ACRIS contains information about university's:
- research staff (also doctoral students)
- projects
- publications
- artistic outputs
- research data
- collaborations
ACRIS utilizes data from existing data sources at the university and combines it with data stored directly in ACRIS to provide an overview of research at Aalto.
ACRIS is designed to maintain an ongoing historic record of research and artistic activity at Aalto. This means that data about members of staff and their research outputs, artistic outputs, projects and activities will be retained in ACRIS after they have left the university. You can extract a copy of your publication data from ACRIS before leaving the university.
ACRIS facilitates the management of academic merits of researchers and artists by
- providing a platform for registering scientific and artistic activity,
- automatically producing a great deal of information to assist researchers, such as data on affiliations and education, Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) publications and citations, metrics data on journals, etc.
ACRIS enables open access and visibility
- by offering a free platform for green open access publishing.
- by presenting researchers' achievements publicly through expert duties, memberships, projects, awards, metadata on datasets and open data, etc.
- by presenting the large infrastructures of Aalto University and the publications produced with them.
- Users can search for data with different criteria in the portal: with the name of a researcher, department or publication, or with different keywords.
ACRIS helps Aalto management
- ACRIS produces information for the management, for instance to aid in tenure track evaluation and research assessments.
- ACRIS is the system Aalto University uses to report its activities to the Ministry of Education and Culture, thus directly affecting the core funding allocation decisions.
- The information is also used for reporting and compiling statistics on the operations of the university.
ACRIS news
Tips on ACRIS: RCF publication list and information on the publication data collection
Do you need a publication list to attach to your Research Council of Finland (RCF) application? Are you interested in learning more about the Ministry of Education and Culture's publication data collection, which affects university funding? Explore the new ACRIS (Aalto Current Research Information System) instruction pages!Maintenance break in ACRIS on 30th of September, 2024
Maintenance break in ACRIS on September from 10:00 to 16:00.The integration of master's theses will begin in the Aalto University research information system
Integration of master's theses into ACRIS makes supervisors’ and advisors’ work visibleMaintenance break in ACRIS on 10 June 2024
Maintenance break in ACRIS on 10 June 2024This service is provided by:
Research and Innovation Services
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