Advancing entrepreneurship and innovations

Contact information

Aalto University Innovation Services are happy to help you with any questions concerning research commercialisation and entrepreneurship.

Aalto-yliopiston Innovaatiopalvelut
Postal address: PL 13100, 00076 AALTO
Visiting address: A Grid, Otakaari 5, Espoo
Four people gathered around a table

Innovation services

Tomi Erho

Head of Innovation Ecosystem Services
U924 Innovation Ecosystem Services
Kim Aalto

Kim Aalto

Commercialisation Portfolio Manager

Matti Korpela

Palvelupäällikkö, innovaatiopalvelut

Aalto Startup Center

Marika Paakkala

Päällikkö, Start Up Center

Niko Downey

Manager, Aalto Startup Advisory
 Päivi Meros

Päivi Meros

Markkinointi- ja viestintäasiantuntija
 Tai Tran

Tai Tran

Startup Ecosystem Coordinator

Technology transfers

Anu Honkalinna

Head of Spinoff Asset Management

Timo Rossi

Spinoff Portfolio Manager
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