Student Guide

Guidelines on the languages of the degrees and instruction

Guidelines on the languages of the degrees and instruction ((in force from 1 January 2024)

Decision of the Aalto University Academic Affairs Committee 21 November 2023


In Aalto University's degree education, national languages (Finnish and Swedish) and English are used as indicated by the Finnish Universities Act, the Government Decree on University Degrees and Professional Specialisation Programmes and the university's Linguistic guidelines. The university's goal is a linguistically diverse and inclusive teaching and learning experience for both teaching staff and all students. Linguistic diversity is supported and implemented in accordance with clear planning principles. Planned consideration of multilingualism in organising teaching supports students in planning their studies and helps to ensure them a linguistically high-quality and predictable study experience.

In the educational path, for bachelor's programmes, multilingualism is linked to the learning outcomes and is implemented by emphasizing teaching and performance opportunities in the domestic languages (Finnish and Swedish). In Master's studies, the number of studies in English increases taking into account individual choices and study paths. In doctoral education programmes, the starting point is studying in English.

Both students and those participating in teaching tasks are encouraged to study and use domestic languages – such that placing studies as part of a personal study plan is possible in all fields and basically at all degree levels. Taking multilingualism into account in pedagogical planning is recommended and various tools are available to support this planning.

Key legislation and regulations regarding in relation to the guidelines 

Under section 11 of the Universities Act, Aalto University's language of degrees and instruction is Finnish in the field of business (Economics and Business Administration) and Finnish and Swedish in the fields of arts and technology. Pursuant to the same section, the university may also decide to use another language as the language of degrees and instruction. By decision of Aalto University, English is included as a language of degrees and instruction in all its fields of study.

In addition to the mission of the university, defined in section 2 of the Universities Act, Aalto University has been assigned a national mission, which affects the emphasis set for the guidelines regarding the languages of degrees and instruction.1

The guidelines take into account the linguistic rights (i.e. the right to use Finland’s national languages) and educational rights stipulated in the sections 16 and 17 of the constitution of Finland and section 12 of the Universities Act, which obligates Aalto University to educate a sufficient number of persons proficient in Swedish for the needs of the country. In addition, the guidelines take into account the obligation to promote equality as provided in section 6 of the Non-Discrimination Act, which also applies to members of the university community who do not speak Finnish or Swedish.

According to Section 6 of the Government Decree on University Degrees and Professional Specialisation Programmes (VnA 794/2004 with amendments), students whose school education was conducted  in Finland in Finnish or Swedish shall demonstrate in the studies included in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or in some other manner that they have attained proficiency in Finnish and Swedish languages, which is required of government personnel in a bilingual authority and that is necessary for their own field, as well proficiency in at least one foreign language that enables students to monitor progress in their own field and operate in an international setting. For other students, the university determines the language proficiency requirements. According to Section 26 of the Government Decree (794/2004), for a degree completed in a language other than Finnish or Swedish according to Section 11(2) of the Universities Act (558/2009), also a Finnish or Swedish degree certificate is issued, and in addition to the Finnish or Swedish degree title also the English degree title is issued.

Section 4 of Aalto University's general regulations on teaching and studying stipulates the university's languages of degrees and instructions, Section 25 stipulates the language of study attainments in examinations and Section 38 stipulates the effect of the degree language on the student's degree certificate. These guidelines also specify these regulations. The Degree Regulations for the Bachelor´s and Master´s degrees stipulate the language proficiency requirements of students in more detail.

Provisions of the Guidelines for AAC decision

Languages of degrees and instruction

The languages of instruction and degrees at Aalto University are Finnish and English, and in the fields of technology and of arts, also Swedish. Aalto University may also decide upon the use of other languages for instruction and degrees and for study attainments.

The primary languages of instruction at Aalto University are Finnish and English, and in the fields of technology and arts, also Swedish. 

These guidelines are not applied in the language courses.

A multilingual approach is used in all degree levels. The language of instruction and degrees in bachelor's programmes is primarily Finnish or Swedish. The languages of instruction and degrees in master's programmes and in doctoral programmes are Finnish, Swedish and English.

Student’s language of the degree in bachelor’s and master’s programmes is primarily the language of the study option. In doctoral programmes student’s language of the degree is individually decided.

Students who write their thesis in either Finnish or Swedish will have the language of their thesis marked as their language of degree in every other degrees than the Bachelor´s degrees.

Bachelor´s and Master´s degrees

The language of instruction and degree for a degree programme (i.e., the language of the degree programme itself) is confirmed when the programme is established. The regulation related to the language of the degree and the implementation of the relevant educational responsibility of Aalto University must be taken into account when the language is selected.2 The possibility to complete a major part of the degree in national languages must be ensured in all areas of the educational responsibility. 

Changing the language of the degree programme requires a procedure similar to deciding the language of the degree programme when the programme is first established. Changing the language of the degree programme and the arrangements during the transitional period must be communicated to the students well in advance.

Regardless of their confirmed language of degree, all degree programmes may have courses / study modules where the language of study attainment or the language of instruction is only English.

When the confirmed language of the degree programme is Finnish /Swedish and it is a study option in Finnish or in Finnish and Swedish:

  • The teaching and advising for the degree programme´s joint studies of e.g. basic studies and of all majors are organised in Finnish in a way that student has the possibility to complete these studies with courses organised in Finnish. In the field of technology and arts, teaching and possibilities for study attainment completion in the degree programme´s joint studies are organised also in Swedish.
  • Academic advising is provided in Finnish or Swedish, or if mutually agreed between the teacher and the student, in another language. 
  • As a rule, the thesis is written in either Finnish or Swedish. The student may request possibility to write the thesis in English. Thesis advising by Aalto University is provided primarily in the language of the thesis. 
  • Graduates of these programmes receive an original degree certificate in the language of the degree programme and a copy of the certificate in English.

When the confirmed language of the degree programme is English and is a study option in English:

  • Teaching and student advising of the programme are provided primarily in English and its study attainments are completed in English. 
  • Academic advising is primarily provided in English.
  • As a rule, the thesis is written in English. Thesis advising by Aalto University is provided primarily in the language of the thesis.
  • Graduates of these programmes receive an original degree certificate both in English and in Finnish or Swedish.

When the confirmed language of the degree programme is Finnish/Swedish and English (multilingual degrees)3  and contains majors  both in Finnish/Swedish and in English. Multilingual programme may contain several study options of which in part are in Finnish/Swedish and in part in English.

Study option in English follows the principles of the programme whose language of the degree is English. Otherwise the provisions below apply:

  • The teaching and advising for the degree programme´s joint studies of e.g. basic studies and of all majors are organised in Finnish in a way that student has the possibility to complete these studies with courses organised in Finnish. 
  • In order to fulfill the implementation of the relevant educational responsibility, there must be offered adequate number of majors which may be completed in Finnish and in which also a major part of the teaching is arranged in FinnishTeaching and advising of the major are provided according to the major in Finnish/Swedish / in English or utilising both Finnish/Swedish and English and study attainments are completed accordingly.
  • In the multilingual programme, there must be major studies available in both Finnish/Swedish and English.
  • In the fields of technology and arts, teaching may be provided in addition to Finnish, also in Swedish, and study attainment completion opportunities must be offered also in Swedish accordingly.
  • Academic advising is provided in Finnish / Swedish / English as agreed between the teacher and the student. 
  • The thesis is written in Finnish / Swedish / English as agreed between the teacher and the student. Thesis advising by Aalto University is provided primarily in the language of the thesis. 
  • Graduates of these programmes receive an original degree certificate in the language of the degree programme and if needed a copy of the certificate in English.

Doctoral degrees

The doctoral programmes are multilingual.

The language of degree for a doctoral student may be confirmed as English if the entire degree may be completed in English. The language of degree for a doctoral student is determined when they are accepted to pursue the degree at the university. However, the Students who write their thesis in either Finnish or Swedish will have the language of their thesis marked as their language of degree.

  • Those students who have completed a doctoral degree in Finnish or English receive an original degree certificate in the language of the degree and a copy of the certificate in English.
  • Those students who have completed a doctoral degree in English receive an original degree certificate both in English and in Finnish or Swedish.


The schools shall take measures to ensure that the key terminology related to teaching and student advising is maintained and developed in Finnish and English, and in the fields of technology and arts, also in Swedish. The Schools take care of the accessible use of the terminology in cooperation with each other and with the national bodies that maintain the terminology.

All Aalto fields of education offer bachelor-level education in the national languages of Finland to ensure that students learn the basic concepts and terminology of their field in the national languages.


The use of languages in teaching (language of instruction and in study attainments) is described and decided in the curriculum of the degree programme. The School responsible for the degree programme ensures that the Guidelines of the languages of the degrees and instruction are followed in the preparation and decision-making.

Changing the language of a course or study module and the possibilities for completing study attainments during the transitional period must be communicated to the students well in advance.

Registering the language of the study attainment of the student

Unless otherwise specified, the language of study attainment marked in the student register for a course or a study module is the language of instruction defined for it. The teacher-in-charge of the course defines the language of the study attainment, when necessary.

Language rights of the student in studies

As a rule, students are required to complete their study attainments in the language of instruction. 

Student may complete study attainments in Finnish or Swedish in courses that are included in the programme’s joint studies in the programmes whose language of the degree is Finnish/Swedish in the fields of technology and arts.  Student may complete study attainments in Finnish in courses that are included in the programme’s joint studies in the programmes whose language of the degree is Finnish in the field of business.

In courses in Finnish, student may always complete study attainments also in Swedish (fields of arts and technology) unless there is a linguistically parallel course, in which students complete study attainments with the teaching language of the course.

Regarding courses in which student has the right to complete study attainments in national languages, student as a rule has the right to receive the study assignments, examination questions or similar also in Finnish and in the fields of technology and arts also in Swedish. Courses may also utilize study assignments and materials related to them which are not offered in different languages. 

The use of languages in the courses is informed at the beginning of the course.

As a rule, students have a right to thesis advising in Finnish, In Swedish or in English as agreed with the teacher. Students have the opportunity to discuss their studies with an academic advisor, teacher or tutor in Finnish, Swedish or English according to mutual agreement between the teacher and student.

Communicating the language guidelines and language rights

Guidelines on the language of the degrees and instruction and their implementation are communicated to the students and teaching staff through Aalto’s web site, for example, as well as through curriculum guidelines, approved curricula and other instructions and material on teaching and studying. 

When presenting their general practices for a course, teaching staff should advise students about the languages used in the course, and ensure that up-to-date information on the languages of instruction and study attainment is given in the learning platform for the course along with the rest of the teaching material.

Applicants receive information about the multilingual practices of Aalto University through Aalto University’s portal and through other material used in student marketing and recruitment.

Entry into force and implementation of the guidelines

Each member of the Aalto University community has an opportunity and a responsibility to foster linguistic diversity and inclusivity in the teaching and learning culture.

The guidelines on languages of instruction and degree are decided by the University Academic Affairs Committee (AAC), which also is responsible for monitoring their implementation as part of the strategic aims of curriculum design.  The vice president for education, supported by Learning Services, is responsible for the preparations for the AAC and gives instructions on implementing the guidelines when necessary.

At the school level, the deans and vice deans for education are responsible for implementing the guidelines on the languages of instruction and degree and for the necessary resource planning measures. Schools’ academic Committees are responsible of following the Guidelines on the languages of the degrees and instruction in their decision-making. At the programme level, the programme directors and department heads4 (as indicated in the School Bylaws) are responsible for planning and monitoring the implementation of the guidelines. The service units support the guidelines and are responsible for supporting the guidelines’ implementation in their own service areas. 

These Guidelines enter into force on 1 January 2024 and replace the Aalto University guidelines on the languages of degree and instruction issued 17.3.2015 (Guidelines 2015) with their later amendments as follows:

  • The implementation of the Guidelines will be initiated as of 1 January 2024
  • The implementation of the Guidelines will take place gradually during the next two curriculum cycles starting of the period 2024-2026.
  • Until the Guidelines and fully implemented, the Guidelines 2015 are applied where applicable
  • When implementing a single provision of the Guidelines requires amendments to the Aalto University General Regulations on Teaching and Studying or other regulations issued by University Academic Affairs Committee, that single provision of the Guidelines shall be implemented from the date stipulated in the amended regulations. 

Further provisions on the application and implementation of the guidelines will be issued by the vice president for education as necessary. The vice president for education is also responsible for reporting to the University Academic Affairs Committee on the progress of the implementation.


1 “The special national mission of the Foundation shall be to sustain Finland's success, to contribute to Finnish society, its economy, technology, art, art and design, internationalization and competitiveness and to promote the welfare of humankind and the environment.” Aalto University Foundation´s Constitution, Section 2

2 In the field of economics and business administration, the Aalto University has an obligation to offer education in Finnish (language of instruction and degrees). In the fields of technology and arts the Aalto University has an obligation to offer education in Finnish and Swedish.

3 Multilingual degree programmes may be primarily organised in the master level, with special reasons in bachelor level (the implementation of the educational responsibilities)

4 The duties of the department heads are assigned in the school bylaws that have been approved by the president.

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