Applications, instructions and guidelines

Rules of Conduct - Students´ Rights and Responsibilities (in force from 1 August 2020)

Rules of Conduct - Students´ Rights and Responsibilities (in force from 1 August 2020)

Aalto University Academic Affairs Committee has approved, on 4 February 2020, the Rules of Conduct - Students´ Rights and Responsibilities to come into force on 1 August 2020. Upon their entry into force the Rules of Conduct shall replace the Code of Conduct in the University Environment issued on 19 May 2015.

Students´ rights and responsibilities set in the Aalto University Code of Conduct shall be elaborated with these rules. [The Aalto University Code of Conduct was updated in 2021; its name in Finnish was changed from Aalto-yliopiston tapa toimia to Aalto-yliopiston eettiset periaatteet.]

The responsible conduct of research and academic integrity in studies are governed under provisions given elsewhere.

These rules are applicable to Aalto University degree students and to other Aalto University students where appropriate. The rules are applicable to other Aalto University community members when in their interactions with students.

Aalto University Code of Conduct and order of university activities

Students have the right to be treated equally, impartially and with mutual respect, to open and responsible communication, to respect of their privacy and property rights and to a healthy and safe environment for working and learning, as set forth in the Aalto University Code of Conduct. The students shall respect the corresponding rights of other Aalto University community members and other stakeholders acting in the Aalto community. The students shall observe care with Aalto property, the spaces provided and the information security of the services, and comply with applicable laws, Aalto rules and Aalto policies as set forth in the Aalto University Code of Conduct.

Complying with the Aalto University Code of promotes internal order, unhindered progress in studies and a safe and pleasant university community in accordance with the Universities Act (Yliopistolaki 558/2009).

Misconduct disrupting university activities and handling misconduct cases 

Misconduct by students includes, in accordance with the Universities Act, disruption of teaching, violent or threatening behaviour, dishonesty, and other disruption of university activities.

At Aalto University, any violent, threatening or discriminatory behaviour, as well as dishonesty, bullying, or sexual, gender-based or other harassment, always constitutes a disruption of university activities. Disruption of university activities at Aalto University also includes interfering with or disturbing the university environment or activities in a way that compromises the right of other members to a safe and pleasant university environment, as well as unhindered progress in study or work. In addition, damage to or unauthorised use of Aalto University property, facilities or the services provided constitutes a disruption of university activities.

The School deans are responsible for ensuring that any disruptions or conflict situations regarding the university activities and involving students are conducted by following the principles of good administration and governance, and for deciding on follow-up measures and for seeing that the implementation of the decisions are monitored. The dean may delegate authority to a person designated by him/her as provided in the Aalto University Bylaws. In such cases, the decision of the dean and the regulations on related actions are applied to the decisions and actions of the delegate. For supporting the execution of the dean´s or delegates´s duties, each school shall have one or more investigator to handle disruptions and conflict situations regarding university activities and students. The school shall offer an opportunity for mediation proceedings.

Suspected misconduct by employees or suspected misconduct against employees shall be addressed by the university in accordance with the relevant legislation regarding employment and occupational health and safety. Suspected misconduct by students or suspected misconduct against students shall be addressed by the university in accordance with the Universities Act.

If the person suspected of misconduct is both a student and an employee, the investigation process and consequences will be determined depending on the case.

Aalto University employees are obliged to intervene if they receive knowledge of any misconduct directed at or committed by a student in the university environment and do so in a manner appropriate to the situation reporting as well the misconduct to the investigator of the school. Students who experience or otherwise observe misconduct by another member of the university community may report the issue to the investigator of the school.

Further provisions on the implementation of these rules  and on the procedures for solving conflicts or dealing with disruptions of university activities will be issued by the president or a delegated university official.

Transitional provisions

Further provisions on the implementation and procedures for solving conflicts, issued in accordance with the previous Code of Conduct in the University Environment (in force until 31 July 2020), shall remain valid after the Rules of Conduct enter into force until such time as any further superseding provisions are issued.

Further provisions:

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